Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 457)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Michael rarely ate at the company cafeteria because he was someone that enjoyed peace and wouldn’t want to listen to the chatters of the staff.                                                                                                  

He had only eaten here when he toured with his clients, making them feel how mavellous the company’s cafeteria was like. The cafeteria looked fresh and elegant, the hanging lights with glass that had a crystal-like texture which came in various types and colours added to the beauty plus the potted plants which were always taking care of.

At the counter for swiping their IDs, the table used was similar to those used in high-end bars in the city. Everything looked clean and refreshing. The chefs in their smart clean white working clothes attended to the employees with smiles which would cause people to eat more than their stomach could handle it.    

  But today Michael decided to eat here, and immediately the hundreds of staff saw him, they stopped eating and stood up to greet.

‘President Michael…’

Peter who wolfed down his chicken drumstick, suddenly stood up, wiping crumbs from the corners of his mouth.                              

When Michael walked past Peter, he didn’t stop for the slightest moment, and didn’t even pay a glance, as if he didn’t recognise him as Felix’s assistant. He didn’t mind the fact that three ladies were adding food onto Peter’s plate when he entered.                                 

Robert who had walked inside with Michael felt like he had received a lottery, just the thought of sharing from Michael’s respect. He also thought of Chioma who had an incomparable aura, and although she was seen as a plain looking woman, but whenever Michael looked at her, his expression melted with gentleness. Now that Robert had shared from the employees greeting, he felt like he had tapped a little from Chioma’s blessing. Chioma wasn’t here anyway. It was just Robert’s foolish thought.                                                                        

Michael chose a random seat and sat down and Robert went immediately to get him food. He stopped by Peter’s side and said, ‘Peter, be prepared to turn into a pig.’ With that said he winked at Peter and hurried to the chefs to get Michael some food.                                           

Robert returned with delicacies for Michael, turning to leave and join Robert on his table, Michael asked him to sit. Robert smiled and sat across from him, eating quietly.                                                                                   

Just then Sharon who was looking bright and charming in a yellow outfit approached Michael’s table. She emitted a noble aura and as a young woman who was humble despite being the daughter of the president of Nigeria, she was a rare existence in the country. She had been with Jessica since morning at the police station and had promised to beg Michael to withdraw his charges.                                                 

Seeing her, Robert quickly swallowed the mouthful of food and said, ‘Sir Michael…Sharon is here.’                                                                 

  ‘She doesn’t work here neither is she a client.’ Michael elegantly wiped the corners of his mouth, looked up and glanced at her face.                                                                                                                            

 Sharon smiled, then sat herself down on the empty seat next to Robert.                                                                                                                          ‘Here, you go,’ Robert smiled politely as he shifted a plate of fried rice before her.                                                                                                  

Michael knew why she had come so he continued to eat, not wanting to listen to her. But then, Sharon would never go until she had said why she came.

 ‘Thank you, Robert,’ Sharon said, but then at that moment she wasn’t in the mood to eat the food before her. She lowered her head to think for a moment, and then finally spoke up with a low voice, ‘Sir Michael, Jessica won’t be able to handle the detention. I have come to beg you…’                                                                                                                        

Michael maintained an elegant position even as he ate. He was just like a prince who had been through etiquette training from a royal family. Hearing Sharon’s words, he put down his fork and said, ‘I only talk about work stuff in the conference room, and I will only talk about Jessica’s case in the court.’                                                                                          

  ‘But…there is nothing that can’t be solved.’ Sharon was still hopeful.                                                                                                       

 ‘Really?’ Michael raised his eyebrows as he looked at her.                          

‘Sir, I think I am full already,’ Robert said, trying to give Sharon the chance to speak to Michael, but Michael gave him the look of-never-to –go anywhere.     Michael turned to Sharon, given her the chance to talk about what she wanted.                                                          

 ‘I know that Jessica doesn’t deserve your forgiveness…’                               

‘You knew yet you came to tempt yourself.’ Michael picked up his fork and added, ‘Anyone can be tempted but never tempt Satan to tempt you.’ He ate in small mouthfuls.                                                           

Sharon was confused, the smile on her elegant face vanished, and at this moment she felt that Michael wouldn’t listen to her even if she was to kneel down before him. She knew that he was not willing to converse anymore on the topic. So, she had to change the topic, ‘That looks delicious, is that broccoli?’ Sharon smiled.                                                               

‘Yes,’ Robert replied in lieu of Michael.                                                        

‘Jessica loves broccoli a lot.’ Sharon wanted to use Jessica’s childhood likes to get Michael to listen. Maybe, he might have a change of heart. However, the reality was harsh.                                                                    

  ‘Then you can send it over to her in the police station,’ Michael faintly replied as he elegantly stood up elegantly, neatened up the wrinkles on his sleeves and left.                                                                   

Robert turned to Sharon’s pitiful face and said, ‘I guess I have to leave as well even though I am still hungry.’ Robert took a mouthful of his rice and hurried off to meet up with Michael.                                        

  Sharon didn’t even get the chance to ask him if she could go to Chioma and beg her to forgive Jessica. The employees around her looked at her with worry written on their faces.                                                              

   ‘I’ll leave now.’ Sharon forced a smile and gracefully stood up.                                                                                                                                          

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