Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 456)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Celine was sucking on a lollipop at her class, listening to everything the students behind her were saying and the edges of her mouth curled up.                                                                                                   

She wondered why the students made it look like Chioma was the reason for Jessica’s downfall. Her ears were filled with so many opinions coming from the students. Just as she was about to explain everything to them, Prince walked into her class, dressed in a navy jacket over a white shirt and matching trousers. Celine immediately left her seat and went to him.                                                                              

Celine was dressed today in Dior custom-made lace dress. Her fair skin, dark eyes, and her beautiful facial features appeared delicate and refined.        When she stood next to her handsome Prince, everyone in the class that saw them knew that they both looked like prince and princess from a fairy tale.                                                                                 

‘My brother Nathan still loves Jessica, but he is helpless,’ Nathan said in a low voice. ‘I don’t really know how to convince father to help her. I understand he has the presidential power to forgive anyone their crimes…I still don’t want him to go against your cousin,’ Prince whispered. ‘I am absolutely worried.’                                                                        

Nathan really loved Jessica very much even when she betrayed his love and turned him into a public ridicule, Nathan was only hurt but that never changed his love for Jessica. Although Prince hated Jessica for causing his brother so much pain, he was still willing to forgive her, for Nathan’s sake.                                                                                   

There was a light pause before Celine said, ‘She can only redeem herself by giving a public apology or beg Chioma to forgive her. I’m sure that my cousin will do whatever Chioma asked him to do…I think that you should tell big sister Sharon to go through Chioma.’              

‘How can my sister do that, she had often times asked Jessica to let go of her evil ways. She even begged big brother Michael to pardon Jessica and he did…I don’t think my sister will want to go through that again.’ Prince was unsatisfied. ‘How about this, since Audrey is close to Chioma you can ask her to do it instead. I am sure that Chioma will listen to her.’                                                                                          

‘Audrey will help your brother if I tell her about it,’ Celine said with a gentle smile. ‘But in this case I still think your sister or big brother Nathan should go to Chioma.’                                                                       

‘Yea, you’re right,’ Prince nodded.                                                                    

Prince went back to his class while Celine returned to her seat.         

 ‘Your boyfriend is so handsome. I just wish I had met you before him,’David who was sitting behind Celine said.                                                

Celine twitched her mouth and replied, ‘Tsk, you would never have met me before my boyfriend.’                                                                       

  David gulped down a whole bottle of mineral water before saying, ‘Maximo is more handsome than your boyfriend,’David teased Celine.                                                                                                                               

‘Aside from Maximo’s blue eyes and blonde, he is ugly as a vulture.’                                                                                                                                           

Hearing this, Maximo almost choked on his pineapple bun by that remark from Celine.                                                                                      

‘You’re so mean,’ David laughed.                                                               

‘Well, you found out very late.’ Celine looked up at him. ‘I’m just feeling hungry but Maximo always eats alone. He’s Harvard most stingy man.’                                                                                           

 Maximo laughed and turned to her. ‘Oh…yeah. Let me get you something. You want bun? Water? I could be back here with a bottle of banana milk delivered all the way from Korea.’                                       

Celine wanted to tell Maximo not to bother, but then she remembered that she doesn’t have any bottle of banana millk left.‘Really?’                                                                                                       

‘Back in ten,’ Maximo said, already standing up and putting on his jacket. He took the last bite of his bun, drank his bottle of mineral water, then he left. Stopping in the doorway, he looked at Celine and smiled.                                                                                                         

Celine wasn’t after his cute face which was qualified for Hollywood movies; she was only interested in the banana milk. When he was out of sight, Celine pulled out a book from her bag.                            

  ‘Do you feel anything for Maximo?’ David asked laughing. He was a trim young man dressed in a blue casual dress.                                     

‘No,’ Celine said. ‘I don’t feel anything for anybody except my boyfriend.’                                                                                                           

 ‘I know that you don’t like me.’                                                                 

‘This is the first time you have paid attention in class.’                     

Maximo brought three bottles of banana milk. Handing her a bottle, he removed his coat.                                                                                 

Celine took the drink and smiled at him. She placed the bottle on her desk. He had brought her a sandwich, too. ‘Can I ask you something?’ She looked down at her bottle of banana milk.                                

‘Of course,’ Maximo replied.                                                                             

‘When do you go to the library?’                                                            

Maximo turned to her. ‘Anytime I feel like.’                                                  

‘How do you get through any of your classes if you are always eating in class?’                                                                                                                  

David chuckled. ‘Celine wants to know if Maximo has hours of assigned reading, almost every night, just like her…Let me tell you the best way to succeed in every school…record your lectures and and listen to them later. Professors usually cover most of what’s on the test in class…then, you can find study group. We three could become our own group, then we will lean on you later.’                                                         

Celine frowned at David. ‘Davids are smart but you’re just the opposite.’                                                                                                                                 

  David grinned. ‘I am really good at identifying the smartest girl in class.’                                                                                                      

Celine frown at him. ‘David, that’s so exploitative.’ She lifted her drink to her mouth and took a sip.

 ‘How could you say that to David? He didn’t make you do anything that you never liked. Maybe, you feel exploited?’ He was now grinning at Celine over his bottle of banana milk.                                                

  ‘I just feel exploited.’ Celine rolled her eyes as she put her drink down and looked at Maximo.                                                                           

  You have the D-Hall to eat your food. It’s not proper to eat in the class,’ a girl who had a curly long hair, a black t-shirt and black tight jeans mumbled as she went to an empty seat. She looked smart and elegant.

 Celine made a face and gulped down her drink, pretending not to have heard what the girl said.      

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