Friday, December 31, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 455)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

After returning from the board meeting, Michael had only sat down inside his office when he saw the viral scandal online. He immediately gave Robert a phone call.                                                                           

‘Boss, don’t worry, Chioma didn’t go to work as you instructed so she doesn’t know what’s going on right now. Chioma had always been a strong woman I know that things like this would never affect her…most of them are saying that your being together with Chioma was all planned out by Louisa. She had to use her past to help her daughter get to you. some are happy for this kind of coincidence in love story, some are still hoping that you accept Jessica’s love no matter what she had done and some are blaming Chioma for causing the whole problem.'                                                                                                          

Michael  wanted to tell Robert to contact all mainstream media and ask them to watch what they write and if anyone wrote nonsense he would acquire and take over their company. But the thought of Chioma suffering from her menstrual cramps made him say instead, ‘Before heading back to the office, I will like you to buy ginger tea with brown sugar and have it delivered to Chioma’s house.'                                                                                                          

‘Okay, Sir,’ Robert said and hung up. Instead of heading back to the office after meeting a client, he headed for Galaxy Coffee Shop for the ginger tea and brown sugar. He didn’t bother to know the reason why Michael wanted these delivered to Chioma, but he knew that it helped women suffering from menstrual cramps.                                               

Following Michael’s order, Robert bought many bags of the tea and brown sugar and drove straight to Chioma’s. Reaching her house, he knocked on the door several times, but no one answered the door so as he was about to turned away, the door opened and he saw Chisom standing at the door.                                                                                

‘Come on in,’ Chisom said and returned to the living room to continue the game she was playing.                                                                    

  Robert walked inside with the bags of tea and said, ‘Is Chioma not around?’                                                                                                   

‘Chioma? She’s taking her bath,’ Chisom replied as she continued playing her game.                                                                              

‘Oh,’ Robert smiled and placed the bags on the centre table. ‘My boss asked me to deliver these to her. Give them to her when she’s done.’                                                              

‘Okay,’ replied Chisom who was still focused in her game. But then, as Robert was about to turn around and leave, Chisom was killed by the game. Pouting, she tossed her phone on the sofa. Then, she lifted her head to look at Robert’s retreating back. ‘Thank you,’ she said. It seemed she only came back to her senses just now.                                

Robert nodded and headed out.                                                                       

Chioma came out of the bathroom some minutes later, dressed in a white home dress as she dried her hair with a white towel. Her gaze fell on the bags of tea, and she asked, ‘Who brought these?’                         

‘No other but Michael. He had Robert deliver them here,’ Chisom chuckled as she reached for the bags to see what was in them. ‘Ginger tea and brown sugar.’ Chisom looked up at Chioma and suddenly she blurted out, ‘Maybe he found out about your period yesterday…maybe that was why he insisted that you go to the lounge and rest. Michael’s such a good man… He truly loves you Chioma.’                            

The corners of Chioma’s lips carried a slight smile. She didn’t need to say anything to him before he knew what was wrong with her. He knew what she was about to say, knew what was wrong with her even before she said it. He was indeed loving and caring.                                       

Chioma suddenly received a phone call from Audrey. After seeing that it was Audrey calling, Chioma didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone.                                        

‘Are you at Star Restaurant?’ Audrey asked. She knew if Chioma was in the restaurant she might not be chanced to pick the call because of the people that had surrounded the place.                                                      

Audrey knew that Chioma was still weak from yesterday’s beating, so she assumed Chioma was at home.                                                              

‘Michael asked me to stay home today since I am not feeling well. My boss gave me his permission,’ Chioma replied calmly without trying to hide anything.                                                                                      

‘How are you feeling now?’                                                                             

‘I’m fine.’                                                                                                     

‘Okay, I just called to check up on you. Take good care of yourself.’                                            

After hanging up the phone, Chioma looked at Chisom who was had arrived the living room with already made cup of ginger tea and placed it on the table for her, ‘Did anything happen at the restaurant?’ Chioma could feel something was wrong from the tone of Audrey’s voice.                                 

 ‘No, just that some crazy people are just waiting for you to show up,’ 

Chisom waved a hand. ‘They will be tired and leave.’                         

Chioma picked up the tea and took a sip. ‘Even if I went to the restaurant I would sneak away. I am not stupid to want to walk into their attacks even though I knew they were waiting for me. That doesn’t mean I am hiding from them.’ She shook her head. ‘It’s difficult to please haters so the best thing to do is to ignore them.’                          

Chisom laughed. ‘The will leave once they become tired.’                 

Outside Star Restaurant, the people waited for hours without any sign of Chioma. Finally, they guess that she might have sneaked away. As a result of this, they concluded that Louisa was the schemer that led Chioma to Michael.

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