Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 589)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

That same day, Andrew and Chioma arrived home at around ten o'clock in the night to see Bisi in the living room watching television. She was engrossed in the Korean movie that she became too lazy to welcome them home.

The Korean drama that was playing on the television was depicting a young girl that was preparing happily for her wedding because she was getting married to the man of her dreams. The young girl was surrounded by her close friends, chatting happily with them as they walked to high-end stores in the shopping mall they had visited.

Suddenly, a teenage girl, eating ice cream came rushing towards her, 'Uni! Uni!' She was full of smiles.

Chioma understood that line very well that she didn't even bother to look at the subtitles, which to her was because she had seen so many Korean dramas and was already used yo their language.

Chioma sat on the living room sofa as she kicked off her shoes, yawning tiredly. At this moment, Louisa came out of the kitchen, carrying a tray of freshly cut fruits. Smiling at both her children, she placed the plate on the centre table, pulled off the apron, then sat next to Bisi.

Andrew went to his room to change while Chioma reached for the fruits, feeling so lazy to change into a comfortable home dress. She took a piece of watermelon with a toothpick and started to eat.

'Mum, see all the fruits you sliced up, I am going to help you finish them all...that is if you and aunt Bisi needs help.' Chioma shrugged with a smile. She ate another piece of watermelon.

'Of course, I know that you will never disappoint your mother, but you disappoint me because you haven't still turned into a pig with all the food you eat everyday,' Bisi jokingly said, while eating a strawberry.

Pouting, Chioma said, 'I will be glad to disappoint everyone but not my belly.'

Eating the juicy strawberry, Bisi said, 'There is s no need to explain you to me. I know you can swallow a shark if you have the opportunity.'

Louisa laughed. 'Chioma will be given award for becoming such a giant foodie.'

'The money we earn is wasted if not to feed our belly,' Chioma said, picking up a piece of papaya from the plate. 'Mum, I have been given lucrative job offers. After I marry Michael, I will love to work at Sharon TV as a broadcaster. Although, Sharon wants me to be the manager, but I told her that I could only become a broadcaster or reporter...my point is, I will resign from Star Restaurant,' she paused, chewing slowly the papaya in her mouth and continued, 'our life will change, because I will be paid hugely. I will love aunt Bisi to come and live with you. Not here, in another house, not a slum. Andrew and I have already talked about getting a better house...so, with aunt Bisi around, am sure that the house won't be boring for you.'

Bisi really felt warmth from those words. Eating her apple, she said, 'I will really love to come and live with your mother but renting another house will be a waste of money. I could stay here with your mother, right Louisa?' She looked at Louisa.

Louisa sighed and said, 'you’re right, Bisi. I don't want anyone to think that we were able to afford a better house because you married Michael. I might not be able to handle the gossip...'

Chioma laughed at what Louisa said and then walked behind Louisa, put her hands around her neck and slowly said, 'Mum, in two days time I will get married to Michael, and in few months Andrew will get married to Chisom...You have suffered for almost all your life. It's time you begin to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Don't think that because I am getting married that I will leave you to suffer. I'll be with you as you gracefully grow old...so let me take care of you. Let Andrew and I take good care of you...we might not be able to give you the best of houses but we will give you a house that has happiness all around its walls and the beddings will also change...you will be happy as well as aunt Bisi. Since her grandchildren had gone back with their parents, I think that it will be nice to have her stay here with you...thank you mum, for being my mother. I love you and will always love you.'

After Chioma spoke, she lightly kissed Louisa on her cheek. At that instant tears began streaming down Louisa's face.

Bisi also had tears rolling around her eyes, almost about to drop out. She tried her best not to let them fall. She wasn't the kind of person that cried but she couldn't hold it in anymore since Chioma's words were touching. This sort of scene was seen on a TV show. It was rare for some one to say such stuff in a household. Women are always sensitive, regardless of their age.

'Where did you learn such silly words? Seriously, I can't help but cry. I will get us another fruits.' Louisa got up and went to the kitchen.

'Chioma, look at what you have done, you made your mum cry. I had to cry as well.' Bisi was wiping her own tears.

Louisa returned with another plate of fruits. She placed them on the centre table. Smiling, Chioma took a piece of watermelon with a toothpick and started feeding Louisa. 'Mum, I will make sure you lack no fruits. Fruits are good for the skin. Come on, open your mouth...'

Louisa might not have an opportunity like this with Chioma because in the future, she would be busy taking care of her own family. So, she counted this day as one of the treasured moments. With that, she gladly opened her mouth and ate the piece of watermelon.

Jealous, Bisi said, 'Chioma, who will be here with your mother when you are away with your lovey-dovey? I will be here with Louisa while you're with your Prince charming. Shouldn't I get the same treatment?'

Chioma smiled sweetly like blooming flowers. 'Of course, you will be here with my mother and definitely she will turn you into a pig,' Chioma said while feeding her with apple. 'I will learn the best dishes and come here to prepare them for you both.'

'Silly girl, there is no meal that I can't cook. In fact, you need to come home with the ingredients and I will make them for you,' Louisa proudly said, pinching Chioma's face, her eyes filled with spoiling adoration. 'Is Andrew already asleep?' She asked.

'Oh, he went to change. But it seems he is already drifting to 3000 miles to dreamland. I will go and check on him, mum,' Chioma said.

It warmed on Louisa to see that her daughter cared for Andrew as much as Andrew cared for her. 'Off you go. But don't wake him if he is already in deep sleep.'

Chioma nodded. Before heading to Andrew's room, she quickly fed both Louisa and Bisi strawberry. This act pleased both Louisa and Bisi.

Andrew who was now in his room eating bread and milk, suddenly, his phone began to ring. As he was about to pick up, he had a knock at the door. Thinking it was Louisa; Andrew put the milk down and went to get the door. But it turned out to be Chioma who stood at the door, holding a glass of warm milk.

 'Chioma, you're here?' Andrew smiled, letting her inside. His room was small but it was neat and had the feel of a young man living inside of.'Andrew, I am here and you can see that.' Chioma pushed the cup of milk into his hand.

With a teasing smile, Andrew said, 'Ever since Michael proposed to you, you have been extremely outstanding in your role as Michael's wife. As your big brother, I admire your new cultivated ethics and loyalty...'

'You've always said I was the silly one, now who is acting silly?' She asked and giggled. 'I thought you're already asleep, didn't know you're already drinking milk and bread.' She smiled sweetly at him.

As Andrew was about to drink the glass of milk Chioma had brought to him, his phone rang again. He reached for his phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Nathan's number. They had both exchanged phone number today at the presidential Villa before the birthday party commenced.


'I forgot to collect my wallet from you.' Nathan had given Andrew his wallet to hold for him when he was busy with some work at the Presidential Villa, during Celine’s birthday party.

'Wait let me check where I kept it.' Andrew held the phone and went to his desk and saw the male Chanel wallet on the table. He had kept it there, hoping to return the wallet back to Nathan tomorrow. It was a white wallet that looked very exquisite.

'It's still here with me. Where should I take it to?'

'Aso Rock Villa.'

'Aso Rock Villa...it's pretty far, can I give it to my sister to give it to Audrey, who will hand it over to Sharon, then Sharon will give it back to you?'

Chioma wanted to laugh but didn't dare. Andrew could be very funny sometimes. She knew that Andrew was purposely teasing Nathan.

'I will come to your house and collect it. After all, it was my fault. You shouldn't run around for nothing,' Nathan said calmly.

'I didn't mean for you to give me money....' Before Andrew could finish the call Nathan had already disconnected. He sighed and put the phone on the desk, then picked up the wallet. Flipping through it, Chioma walked over to see what was inside the wallet. There were bank cards, ID cards, and plenty of cash, which was about twenty or thirty thousand naira.

Chioma produced a paper bag and Andrew put the wallet inside it. Then, she went back to her room, given Andrew some time to rest.

Meanwhile, Nathan was leisurely drinking tea in his room. He had purposely handed the wallet to Andrew so that he would seize the opportunity to visit Chioma with Jessica. Jessica wanted to visit Chioma and give her the gift she had bought her as she would not want to present the gift on the day of the wedding. His performance tonight was truly applauding. He could have given his wallet to anyone but he chose to give it to Andrew for this reason. He loved Jessica and was willing to make her happy. Thankfully, she had changed for good.


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