Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 595)

Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

At this same moment at Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, the Obama family landed at the airport in a private plane, looking gorgeous in their outfits. They had come for the wedding, and couldn’t stop smiling at the reception of fans at the airport. Just before the family of four boarded the luxurious car Michael had prepared for them, the American comedian, Ellen DeGeneres arrived, followed by the McClure twins, Ava and Alexis. The twin sisters came with their parents. Michael had specially invited twins to be Chioma’s flower girls.

Michael was the only one capable of bringing these people to his wedding. He was like a king and was adored by many folks.


Inside the large church, a live band of foreign singers were warming the hearts of everyone with heart touching melodious deep blues songs. Who wouldn't wish for a luxurious wedding like this? It was every girl's dream to have a perfect wedding like this but when such money couldn't be afforded; any girl would still happily wish to settle with the man that loved them deeply.

Today was beautiful that even butterflies in the gardens danced around, colourful birds chirped and the sky warmly poured down its brightness on every street and corners of Abuja city.

The music came playing inside the church as guests arrived, making their way to the pew. Celine couldn't stop smiling as she hooked arms with Prince, walking down the gold aisle with him. She felt like this was her moment to show off her man to the world. They were both looking perfect for each other. Just like all the close friends of Michael, Prince was wearing a navy blue Versace suit with a matching tie.

Celine, on the other hand, wore a silk ivory coloured dress created by an Italian designer, Mauro Adami. This delectable gown was adorned with platinum threads and attractive embroidered floral designs. Catherine, Sharon and Jessica wore the same gown as well. Celine could see her mother, Patricia and Isabelle sitting at the left aisle in matching cream coloured Louis Vuitton long gowns adorned with precious stones. She couldn't stop smiling. The three women were chatting happily. The sight was beautiful to Celine. For some reason, at that point, Celine knew everything was going to be all right.

Then, Obinna appeared with his wife, hooking arm as they walked down the aisle, followed by Emmanuel and Rebecca who gracefully strutted down the aisle with their hands held together. Stanley dressed in a gorgeous cream- coloured coloured suit walked elegantly, alone. Sola followed, escorted with her son Gbenga. With the help of Michael, and because of Chioma's pleading, the cases against Emmanuel and his wife were struck out, and the houses allegedly seized from them were returned back to them.

 The music never stopped playing, and people never stopped to listen to this heart touching songs as they waited in anticipation for Chioma's grand entry into the church.

After a moment, Jessica walked down the aisle on the arm of Nathan. Sharon followed a moment later, escorted by her man, Johnson Mark.  Barack, who was wearing a blue fitting suit, hooked arms with Michelle who looked beautiful in her glittering Versace gown. Michelle took her look to the next level with a sleek updo and bold earrings. She matched her makeup to her gown.

Malia and her sister Natasha, who was fondly called Sasha, made their way to their seat. They Obama daughters were both wearing ethereal white gown by the British Designer, Alexander McQueen. The girls stood out in a simple makeup. Behind them was Ellen DeGeneres who was donning a cream-coloured dress. She topped off her outfit with dainty earrings and chunky bracelet. She was known to often wear expensive, custom-tailored suits, sweaters, leather jackets, boots, t-shirts, colourful scarves and even sneakers but seeing her in this exquisite gown made everyone look at her in awe. She was beautiful and wore a cheerful smile.

 Ami and Justin McClure gracefully walked inside, holding each other’s hands. Ami was wearing a champagne-coloured Gucci one-shouldered gown. To let this beautiful dress shine, Ami kept her accessories minimal. Justin looked handsome in his black custom-made suit.

 Chisom and Audrey folllowed behind as the train of their white dresses dragged behind them. They had a delicate make-up, which was of course simple.  The gown worn by these two women was really magnificent.  And also, they carried bouquets of colourful flowers as Chioma’s bridesmaids.

After they were all seated, Michael and Felix gracefully walked in; both men were dressed in a navy blue Versace limited edition suit, matching tie and glowing, freshly polished shoes from the same luxury brand. They gave off the presence of British royalty with respectable aura.

As they walked to stand in front of the aisle, Catherine said jokingly, 'Prince will be more handsome than Michael on his special day.'

Nathan turned around and said, 'Perhaps in Celine's eyes he will be more handsome, but in my eyes he's far from it.'

Everyone around them laughed, from his tone of voice, they could tell he was in a good mood.

'Big brother Nathan when will you and Jessica get married? This church is gorgeous. We really want to come here more often.'

'Yes, that's right...You can start coming to church here. Anyway, I am aware you and Felix will make a good couple.' Nathan turned his head and looked at Jessica. But she only smiled at him without any word. So, Nathan added, ' So, in that case during your wedding with Felix, I wouldn't bring any gifts. I will save up the money and give Jessica the best wedding ever.'

'Please, don't including my gift in your savings.'

They people sitting around them exploded in laughter.

Just then, little Jersey Tayo McClure elegantly walked in, dressed in his fitting white suit. He was so handsome that most of the guest couldn’t help but stare at him as he made his way to his seat by the left. It was as though he was a natural-born superstar who could attract the attention of everyone.

Then, the two flower girls, Alexis and Ava, donned up in tulle walked inside, carrying their basket of flower petals. The two girls happily scattered the flower petals along the aisle as they walked down the aisle. The McClure twins were looking like princesses in their beautiful outfits and winning smile. The identical twins were known to have gained their popularity through viral videos and social media.

 Suddenly, everywhere suddenly became quiet again, except for the music playing as the large door was let open, everyone turned their heads towards the entrance and Chioma gracefully walked inside. She was all smiles as she still felt like she was in a dream. She wasn't going to walk in the arms of anyone, but alone. This was her day, so she should be on the spotlight. This time an Asian female singer with a melodious voice had taking over the stage, singing the song of eternal love as Chioma walked down the gold aisle in her magnificent white diamond wedding dress, which worth a few million dollars.The bottom of the dress had been designed to resemble a blossoming flower, with diamonds adorning the dress. To hold the veil, Isabelle had gifted a sparkling tiara to Chioma and it contains about one thousand diamonds. The gown's long sleeves and lace collar looked stunning.

Chioma's wedding train, which stretched to 25 feet long, was embroidered with flowers, and she wore a Sarah Flint ivory satin heels embroidered with delicate flowers. Rumour had it that her shoes were the brand frequently used by British Royal Family. This high-end white satin with plunging neckline, lace sleeves and A-line skirt was really one of a kind. She was gorgeous, like a royal princess. She was wearing both earrings and necklace; both were studded with white diamonds.

It was obvious that Michael had put his time and effort into his bride. The guests could tell how much Michael treasured her.

As she walked on, the memories of her meeting with Michael and the challenges she had rushed into her mind. She remembered that it was the wind that led her to Michael. If she hadn't been disappointed on the day of her interview, she might not have gone to Star Restaurant to meet with her best friend, and she might not have met Michael.

Chioma's grades in secondary school and university were enough for any company to give her a job. But no, she was denied jobs severally. When she got to know Michael, some said he was an arrogant individual while many looked upon him like a god. Some of Jessica's fans had called her so many bad names, she had been tortured, some had said that when she returned the ring to Michael she was playing pull and push with him to spark his interest. Some said that she was only after Michael's money. But no, she had only agreed to Michael because she was deeply in love with him.

The guests wore joyous smiles on their faces. Chioma looked at the majestic Michael who was beaming from ear to ear. He was the happiest man today and Chioma was the happiest woman. As she drew closer to him one step at a time, Michael’s eyes gazed deeply into hers. He couldn't wait to make Chioma his bride and Chioma couldn't wait to make him her husband.

After what seemed like a long walk to the aisle, which wasn't boring anyway, Chioma reached the front of the aisle to stand before the man she was deeply in love with, the man that never regarded her poor estate, the man that was willing to cross the ocean for her sake, the man was going to spend the rest of his life with her. Tears formed in her eyes but she tried not to let it fall. She didn't want to ruin her makeup.

The pastor of the church, a handsome man in his high-end white suit asked the couple to tell the world the vows they had prepared for each other that would stand the test of time. Michael was stunningly handsome.

Michael was the first to speak, and everyone was eager to hear what he had to say. Smiling, he began, 'When I first saw you, I knew I was going to make you my wife for sure. When I met you the following day, I knew that my heart was right. I had to tell Robert to investigate you, and when he brought your profile to me, I followed your Facebook activity, copied the photos that you posted. I didn't comment on any of your posts, but I kept thousands of unsent messages to you on my phone.'

Chioma was stunned to tears by this revelation. He spoke with a voice like the most melodic song in the world.

'When I told you to make me your man, I didn't joke about it because I knew that you're the woman for me. At that moment I was tired of silently following you. I wanted to share your every moment with you, wanted to eat your favourite foods alongside you, wanted to look at your face every night, wanted to say good morning  and good night to you as soon as you wake up...so, I boldly came out to make you my woman. Chioma Chima, I am not just marrying you because I need a wife, I am marrying you because I deeply love you. I want to spend new year's with you, Christmas together, your birthdays, I want every moment of my life to be with you...I love you so much and might not be the perfect man for you, but...as I stand before GOD and before this great people, I want to tell you that I will always stand by you. I will always love you. I will always battle the world for you. I love you so much... I don't know how to explain it to you...but I will always love you...because my life without you becomes incomplete...'Michael took a breath and stared into her veil covered face, notably more focused now,'Chioma Chima, I love only you and forever will make you happy. You're my heart's better half. I am grateful to GOD to have you as my woman. Thank you.' He took the ring out of the white box and reached for Chioma's left hand. He slowly placed the diamond ring on her ring finger.

Large teardrops fell from the corners of Chioma's eyes. She tried hard to raise the corner of her lips as she was the next to speak, but the tears didn't let her.

Michael knew she didn’t know what to say at the moment, so he continued to speak. Chioma was very grateful for this act of his.'Chioma, I know that I have expressed my feelings so many times and have said many deeply emotional things, but at this very moment, I still want to repeat this...Chioma.' Michael paused for a moment. The soft melodious music kept playing quietly, soothing the moment. Then, he looked into Chioma’s eyes with extreme intensity, as though he was making a pledge, 'Chioma I love you and will forever love you.'

Chioma's eyes were covered with tears.

'Every day my love for you continues to deepen...'His voice was magnetic.

Those threatening tears now flowed down her face.

'I know that a lot of people still think of you as a pair of broken shoes and that you're not worthy of me, but I want to say something from the bottom of my heart, you're a true definition of a sincere relationship. No matter how many times you get hurt, you will always stand up for your friends. No matter how many pains you get through, you will still have the strength to get up again...so why can't I love you deeply, each day of our lives? A person like you walk around with a glowing aura...I will love you deeper with each passing minute...'

Hearing this, everyone was moved. A few of the sensitive guests even wiped their teary eyes. Felix who was standing behind Michael was moved by these words, he didn't know if it was because he was close to Michael, but actually felt a little moved.

Then, the pastor gestured for Chioma to begin.  There was a microphone on Chioma's wedding dress, so whether she spoke quietly, the audience will still hear her. Chioma stared into the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. She knew that there was no one else in this world that was able to make her feel loved and there was no one else in this world to make her feel blessed. Only Michael was able to give her the best of everything. They met and fell in love on the first day of their meeting.

'I fell in love with you at first sight...' Chioma paused for a moment, and then said, 'Which means, I fell for you at Jimmy Carter Street; I found the love of my life on that day when I felt that my world was shattered. I've loved you from that moment. Before, my life was so cold... It was no different from severe winter. But then, the moment I met you, my life slowly began to pick up. It grew warm with each passing day...in that same day, I felt like a Jasmine flowers blooming on the streets, the me in me began to sprout and I felt warm inside...’ She sighed satisfactorily and continued, 'Today, the weather is very good, the blue skies looked like they have just been painted...there isn't any a single cloud in thousands of miles...I could feel the bright rays of sunshine and the soft wind, reminding me of how we met...I love you Michael.... I have never been the perfect woman for you. I might not even be able to reach your level, but I want to assure you this very moment before this great audience, that I will give you all the love that I have....I will love you, in poverty or wealth...From this day onward, I will call you my lord, which means a total submission to you.' She paused. 'My Lord, I'm truly happy, truly, really happy. I'm truly grateful to have fallen in love with you.' After she finished speaking, she took the ring from the box Felix had extended to her and put it on Michael's slender ring finger. 

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