Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 597)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Reaching the luxurious villa, Michael walked inside with his arm around Chioma’s waist. This was their wedding night, and Michael couldn’t stop smiling at the thought. Then, he carried her inside the luxurious room prepared for them. Not only was the villa lit with candles, he also surrounded Chioma with a sea of white flowers.                          

Michael could sense the nervousness coming from Chioma. He smiled as he removed his suit jacket, then turned to her and said, ‘I’ll have a shower first so you can have some time to relax your mind.’               

Chioma nodded shyly as she reached out and embraced him in a tight hug.‘You’re the best,’ she whispered.                                                         

‘You’re already mine and will be mine forever.’ Michael’s deep sexy voice was enough to melt anyone. Then, he pressed his lips against hers. He was really enjoying the kiss, and Chioma was really enjoying herself. Lifting his head up, he said to her with a smile, ‘You can rest a bit. I will go ahead to shower.’ He turned to leave.                                          

However, Chioma grabbed onto his arm, reluctant to let him leave. ‘Why are you going alone?’ she stammered. Her face had the blush of a young virgin.  

Michael reached out and dotingly pinched her cheek. ‘Really?’                   

‘Really.’ Chioma nodded bashfully. Since they were now married, it should be natural for them to be intimate with their bodies. What right does she have for Michael to accommodate her silly behavior? It was a good thing for married couples to consummate their marriage on their wedding night, right?

 Michael looked at her cute expression and her lips that were red from his kisses. She looked so delicious that he wanted to swallow her up. ‘Are you sure?’                                                                                                        

Her face was red as she looked at his handsome face and stammered, ‘V-very sure.’ She was willing to take a bath with this handsome man, who was today her husband. After all, showering together as she had read can make for some incredible bonding. Taking a shower together was probably the most comfortable place to start, Chioma thought as she tried to calm her wildly beating heart. She was so willing to give herself to Michael but was shy as well.                        

Michael smiled sweetly and he reached for her hand and together they went into the white lavish bathroom. Inside the bathroom, Michael undid her dress with one hand, then with the other hand, he held Chioma by the waist, and took her mouth into his. She helped Michael take off his clothes as well. 

That feeling of love and adoration became even stronger as Michael kissed her slowly and lightly as though he was worshiping a godlike creature or thing, wanting to slowly taste her. Today of course, was the beginning of sharing intimate moment with this woman that he loves most in the world. Michael felt like he was the happiest and luckiest man in the world to have Chioma as his wife.              

Chioma had never experienced a moment like this before. She wondered if she was dreaming, and if actually she was dreaming, she didn’t want to stop this romantic dream. This was the best dream ever. Everything appeared to be so magical that Chioma was losing control.           

Standing under the shower, Chioma couldn’t still believe the fact that she was married to this man that was perfect and breathtaking. She was completely mesmerised as she examined his beautiful looks. Everything about his body was perfect. she loved every inch of him. She noticed his eyes looking at her passionately as though they want to eat her whole and she blushed.                                                                                     

When they couple was done with their shower, Michael wrapped her in a white towel and carried her in his arms to the rose petal covered bed. After she was laid gently on the bed, his tall body leaned down on her and before she could react, his mouth was taken in hers  as the two bodies intertwined together like vines, not leaving even the tiniest gap and the two became one, as it was meant to be.


At that same moment, at Diamond Gardens, Audrey had changed into a beautiful white night gown with its matching robe, both made of silk. Her long hair fell in waves. She couldn’t fall asleep, so to keep herself busy, she picked up The Bench and began reading. When she was done reading the beautiful book, she reached for her flute on the coffee table. Then, she strode towards the window, looking up at the beautiful night sky; she lightly put the flute on her lips and started playing. She loved playing the flute, loved the sound of it. Today, it seemed that she was playing for Michael and Chioma’s happiness. Closing her eyes, she kept on playing until she was tired. She would play the flute often for Daniel when they get married, she promised.

She wondered what Felix was doing right now in his room. Perhaps, he was with his laptop, looking at the stock market as he tried to drive his loneliness away? No, Audrey felt deep in her heart that Catherine would bring smile on his face, though it might not be like Chioma’s. But she was certain of a good future, for both Felix and Catherine. 


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