Saturday, November 28, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 36)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

When Michael returned home; to the Njemanze villa where he lived with his parents, the servants all bowed and greeted him in respect, then he walked inside. He seemed not to need the greeting, for his face was cold as ever, though he was absolutely beautiful which would make it impossible for anyone to hate him. His mother always teased him that his beauty was no doubt white house passes.                              

Walking into the luxurious living room, he saw his mother Patricia, sitting on the living room sofa, watching TV. She was dressed in pink pyjamas and wrapped in a blanket while her long glossy hair was let loose.                                                                                                                           

Patricia turned her head around when she had noise, and immediately, she let out a sweet smile when she saw her son, Michael. ‘You’re back. I saw the news, son. I’m glad that the contract signing was successful.’ She rose and gave her son a hug.                                                           

‘mhm,’ Michael nodded. ‘Mum, you don’t have to wait for me… you could have gone to sleep.’ It was obvious Michael really cared about his mother.                                                                  

Patricia smiled, patting Michael’s head. He was very tall. And as a petite woman, she had to tiptoe to touch his head. ‘Your father will be arriving tomorrow evening. He called me few minutes ago and informed me about it.’                                                                                          

‘That’s good to know.’                                                                             

‘You will still have to maintain your new position as the CEO of Moon Corporation.’                                                                                                      

Michael nodded then headed upstairs to his lavish room.                                                                                                                                  

The moment I met you (Chapter 35)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Maybe, I should look for this man and teach him a lesson.’              

‘No, don’t. You have to stay calm. I’m fine now.’                                         

‘How can you expect me to stay calm? What if you died in the process? Based on the fact that you have nine lives of course you’ll be fine. When I heard about it in our workshop I was actually worried. My boss had to let me go home. If nothing is done that guy might hit you again.’ He looked at Chioma.  ‘Father is dead. I don’t want to lose you too,’ he said in a small voice.                                                                                      

‘He won’t hurt me.’ Chioma was convinced about that.                                

‘And you think that you’re in a Korean romance movie? Wake up! This is reality. Although you might be lucky with him, but movie is movie, reality is reality.’                                                                                         

Chioma walked over to Andrew, smiling sweetly, she threw her arms around his neck, and whispered, ‘I am fine. You don’t have to worry too much about the accident. It was my entire fault. If I had looked well while crossing, if we had zebra crossing on the road I could have been more careful.’ She kissed his head lovingly.                                                     

‘When did zebra crossing join in our conversation?’ Andrew slanted a glance at Chioma and she pouted prettily.                                          

  ‘Your sister is a genius,’ Chioma cheerfully lifted her chin and said.                                                                                                                                      

‘You really succeeded in changing the subject,’ Andrew said, lifting his hand to pinch her rosy cheek.                                                                   

‘Isn’t that cool?’ Chioma said, laughing.                                                 

‘So you found my weakness and decided to use it against me?’ Andrew slanted a cool glance at Chioma’s face.                                                      

‘No, no, no. I know you will still listen to me even if I didn’t beg you to. You love me very much and will do anything for me,’ she smiled.           

‘You’re toying with my love for you?’ Andrew teased her, and she laughed.                                                                                                                        

‘My big brother Andrew is the best in the whole world.’                         

Andrew smiled. ‘Go ahead with your food. I’ll go to the kitchen and see if there’s milk left.’ He went to the kitchen while Chioma continued with her noodles. She looked happy now.

The moment I met you (Chapter 34)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘You can’t buy me with that cheap flattering… Answer my question.’                                                                                                                            

Chioma scratched her head, feeling a bit embarrassed. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hide it from you. It’s just that I was afraid… knowing how much you worry about me… ‘                                                                            

Andrew smiled slightly but said nothing.                                                        

‘I’m fine now. It was just a small scratch. It’s not something I couldn’t handle. Please forgive me… I had wanted to tell you about it in the evening…’                                                                                                               

Andrew leaned back on his chair and asked, ‘Who was he?’                     

Chioma lost grip of her fork, causing it to instantly fall to the floor. She was completely not expecting such a question. She was afraid to lie; for fear that Andrew could have seen the man! She didn’t want to lose her brother’s trust in her just because of a man.                                                

Although, Chioma had wanted to skip about the man who had hit her, but it seemed she would have to tell Andrew who he was. He was the man she had loved the moment she met him. Even now, she was still in love with him.                                                                                                       

Andrew was shocked to see Chioma’s fork fall to the floor from her hand together with the weird expression on her face. He couldn’t help but suspect Chioma was in love with the man.                                         

‘Are you okay, little sister?’ Andrew looked worried.                              

Chioma picked up the fork from the floor and gave a mischievous grin. ‘I’m fine,’ she said.                                                                                           

‘Chioma, is it possible that   he was that same man you have been thinking of?’                                                                                                                   

Chuckling, Chioma answered, ‘I guess, yes.’ She paused for awhile before saying again, ‘But we’re worlds apart.’                                  

‘What foolish nonsense are you spouting? He only has the trappings of this world, nothing more.’ Andrew was referring to Michael.                                                                                                                       

 ‘This is the better reason for our worlds apart. We can’t change that fact, big brother.’                                                          

The moment I met you (Chapter 33)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chioma had changed into a set of clothes after taking her bath. So, she went to the kitchen to cook noodles.

When the food was ready, her mobile phone began to ring. Seeing that the call was from an unknown caller, she didn’t bother to pick up. Perhaps, Chioma was afraid it was that man of her dreams. She didn’t want to speak to him, because she was afraid of what to say. In fact, Chioma was tired and in no mood to receive calls, especially from a random caller.                                                                                                

Just then, her brother Andrew walked inside as she began to eat her noodles; seeing Andrew, Chioma was surprised. She looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was almost two in the afternoon.                    

But then, knowing that her adoring brother was right here with her made her smile. She knew that he must have come back home just to check on her. Feeling loved, she greeted him sweetly.                                       

Andrew nooded at her then pulled out a chair and sat down.    Chioma rose to bring food for Andrew but, he gestured for her to sit back. Placing the snack he had bought for Chioma on the table, he looked at her with a serious gaze.                                                                       

‘Why didn’t you tell me about your accident? You rejected my calls because you were afraid to say something about it, right?’ Andrew scolded with a faint smile.                                                                                               

Chioma almost spat out the noodles in her mouth when she heard what Andrew said. How did he know about it? Who could have told him? Did he just come home this early to give me a dressing- down? Chioma wondered. She was speechless, unable to answer Andrew’s questions.               

‘What? You are dumb and can’t speak? Or maybe you’re confused as to how I got hold of the information? Don’t worry I didn’t pull out the surveillance clips. You know that I don’t know anything about hacking skills. If I know about hacking, I will be invincible.’                             

‘Of course my big brother Andrew is highly gifted,’ Chioma said with a smile, trying to change the subject. But Andrew was smart.     

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 32)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Michael strolled towards his desk as though no one has spoken to him. Even though it was just a short stroll, he was still able to captivate everyone’s attention.                                                                                                 

The partnership contract signing with George enterprise was to begin any moment and would be broadcast live as well as officially announced to the public.                                                                                                

Michael had made the contract signing low-key. He didn’t bother with walking down the red carpet in front of reporters as most contracts are done. Even though there were reporters around, it was still low-key.                                                                                                             

At Moon Corporation, Robert sat in the office watching the live broadcast. On the screen, he could sense Michael was bothered with something which was obviously related to the girl he was investigating about. But despite that, Michael was very handsome and pleasing to behold. He was the kind that was hard to ignore.                                                           

After signing the contracts, Michael turned to the CEO of George enterprise and held out his hands.                                                                     

The man kept a bright smile on his face as he shook hands with Michael. Shaking hands with this   god-like man was like walking through heaven’s gateways.                                                                                                       

‘The contracts could be withdrawn any moment,’ Michael said expressionlessly. ‘The sky could turn dark; it would be your best interest to work well.’ His words carried layers of meaning which was understood by all.                                                                                                         

Anyone could tell that though the contracts had been signed, there seemed to be rough seas ahead.                                                               

Michael wrapped up the contract signing by having lunch with the CEO of George enterprise which was a plus to his reputation. Eating with Michael was like eating with Angels from heaven. 

The moment I met you (Chapter 31)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Reaching for the wine rack, Michael selected a wine. After pouring a glass of Amorone della Valpolicella wine, he made his way to the leather seat by the window, before sipping on the wine. His mind seemed to be occupied with something. It was obvious it wasn’t about the partnership contracts he was about signing with George enterprise but rather about Chioma Chima.           

Just then his phone vibrated, Michael glanced at his phone to look at the number before picking the call. Coldly, he said, ‘don’t make me wait else I will cancel this contract.’ He was speaking to the CEO of George enterprise.                                          


‘Almost there, sir,’ the person at the other end of the line said.                   

‘Lazy morons,’ Michael cursed. ‘I shouldn’t have accepted to partner with incompetent trash like George enterprise! You are more like pigs!’                                                                                                                        

Michael ended the call as soon as he finished speaking. He looked furious as he stared outside the window. He murmured, ‘you bring nothing but bad luck. I had brushed against the only woman I had ever loved just to sign a stupid contract. You better behave else I will crumple your company with my hands!’ then, he gulped down the red wine.           

Michael had a cold and aloof personality that made it difficult for others to get close. His authority in the business world further instilled fear in others, forcing them to behave carefully around him. So when the CEO of George enterprise walked inside the suite he was careful not to offend this god-like man. Though, clad in a Versace gorgeous navy blue suit which no doubt looked very expensive, classy and high-end, the CEO of George enterprise was nothing but a mice when he stood before Michael.                                                                                                                  
‘Sir Michael is indeed a legend of the business world,’ the man said, trying to curry favour. ‘He is not just a legend; he is an unbelievable miracle…’                                                                                      

The moment I met you (Chapter 30)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Arriving at Paradise Hotel, one of the properties under Moon Corporation, his assistant Robert rang him. Without giving Robert an opportunity to speak, Michael said, ‘What’s it?’                                                   

Robert could sense Michael’s foul mood. Anxiously, he stuttered, ‘Do I need to come to Paradise Hotel?’                                                                           

‘Get all the information you know about Chioma Chima, that’s all’. After that the line went dead.                                                                                 

While Michael stood in the elevator, his mind raced towards the accident scene. He wondered how she was doing. Was she still in pain? What if she decides not to talk to him again because of the accident? Would she hate him forever? Should he visit her and apologise again? But if I don’t ask for forgiveness again, would she not accept me?  Will he run into her again?                                                                                                  

Michael sighed deeply as possible scenarios played out in his head. When he finally reached the top floor, he glanced around before exiting the elevator with the documents and headed elegantly to the presidential suite.                                                                                                      

The contract signing was scheduled to be by 10:00 am but Michael had arrived at 9:40 am. He was right in time despite the little delay caused by the accident. Michael had selected to arrive earlier because he was a man that believed in punctuality.  He never believed in African time.                                                                                                      

Reaching the magnificent door, the guards at the entrance bowed in greeting before Michael placed his graceful palm against the bio-metric palm scanner and unlocked the door. The presidential suite door could only be unlocked by his palm.                                                             

This was the only presidential suite here in Paradise Hotel. It was the most glamorous room belonging only to Michael.                                         

Michael walked into the luxurious suite glowing with confidence. A refreshing morning breeze was blowing from the bay window, with sunlight streaming in. from time to time, the gentle morning breeze lifted the gold curtains fluttering and flipping.

The Moment I met you (Chapter 29)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

After Chioma left the scene and started homeward, her phone began to ring. It was from her brother Andrew. Chioma wondered why her brother was calling. Could it be that Andrew already knew she had an accident? Or perhaps he had a premonition about what had already happened to her?  Whatever it was that could be Andrew’s reason for calling her at this moment, Chioma wasn’t in the mood to know. She didn’t want to pick up because she had nothing yet to say to her brother. She didn’t want him to worry about her.     

This was something she could handle, she thought. Maybe she would tell him later about the accident in the evening. Right now her mind was scattered as if she had lost the ability to think.                                                                  

When she managed to arrive home, she opened the door and walked inside. Her mother was at the market selling fruits, and her brother at the garage. Tears stole into her eyes at the poor life her family led. She had wanted to find a job to give her family a comfortable life, only to be involved in an accident. Was there still hope for her? Even though hope was among the words she hated, she still needs to hope that someday she would achieve all her dreams.                      

Her mother Louisa rented this small apartment after Magnus died. Since it was close to the market and a bit close to the garage where Andrew works, there was no need to take a taxi and they could save some money to pay their bills. The environment though a cheap area, it was pleasant and also within their budget.                                               

Chioma took a quick hot bath, changed into a set of clothes, and went to the bedroom to rest. Just then, her phone began to ring again. She thought it was her brother but when she looked at the screen, she saw it was an unfamiliar number.    She reached for the phone, glancing at it for a few seconds before picking up.                                                              

‘Hello?’ Chioma said but the other person remained silent. ‘Hello? Who’s this? I’m hanging up the phone if you’re not going to say anything!' Chioma felt a bit annoyed. She thought that maybe the caller dialed the wrong number, and then hung up.                                                         

At this moment, Michael tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he drove. ‘She hung up on me?’ He was clearly annoyed.     

Sunday, November 8, 2020

The moment I met you ( Chapter 28)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

She was in a hurry that she failed to notice her Identification Card on the ground.                                                                

This sight made Michael grin. It was as though he had found the lost golden spoon. He bent down and picked up the Identification Card.              

He looked at her picture on the ID card and felt his heart overflowing with love. He loved the way her beautiful eyes shone as though they contained a bucket full of sunshine. Her long dark hair was let loose, and her dimples made her look absolutely adorable. She gave others the feeling of being caressed by a gentle wind.                            

Taking out his phone, he rang his assistant Robert.                              

‘Robert, I want you to check something for me.’                                         

‘What, boss?’ Robert asked from the other end of the phone.                   

Michael dragged out the word, ‘Chioma Chima.’ Then, he told Robert everything that had happened.                                                                           

Robert gasped when he finished. ‘Maybe, I could come and drive you instead?’                                                                                                                

Michael didn’t reply and hung up. Turning around, he walked over to his car, and scooted away.                                 

The moment I met You ( Chapter 27)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

The corners of his mouth curved into a smile. He turned around and said, ‘whose fault was it? It was your fault. What were you thinking that made you cross the road without being mindful of your surroundings? I still have to take the blame…?’                                                      

  ‘Yes, it was my fault. But how could you shovel money like that into my hands? Chioma tossed the money at him. ‘All I wanted to hear was a simple sorry.’  Tears streamed down her face. ‘Every gentle man would do that. But I see that you’re arrogant and domineering.’ She glared at him coldly. Chioma was annoyed by the look of pride on his face.  ‘A simple sorry is enough,’ she said in a small voice.                             

  ‘Then, I’m sorry,’ Michael said after a moment of silence. What was wrong with him? When was a woman able to seduce, Michael, to the point he had to apologise for not being at fault? However, it seemed this girl was different from other girls. He had never given any woman his personal phone number, doing so with Chioma meant he had fallen for her. From that very moment he met her, yesterday, he had seen her as the most important person in his life. When he saw her just now he felt it was another meeting from heaven. He had never been in any relationship before, and also did not know that relationships have rules. He didn’t know that the best way to reach out to a woman of his dreams was through his heart and not by tossing money at her. It was possible to get the whole world with money but it was not possible to find real love with money. No amount of money could buy love.                    

He was a man at the top, a man that controls millions of people, a man in a commanding position that could control the life and death of others. But it seemed he had been conquered by this petite young woman. He wanted her to be his until the last moment of his life.                     

Hearing his apology, Chioma was stunned but didn’t speak.                      

 ‘I’m sorry again…’                                                                                            

Chioma blinked her dark eyes, and said, ‘Apology accepted.’                            

‘Always watch where you are headed…’ His voice was soft and gentle. He was indeed looking out for her safety.                                                    

Chioma managed to rise to her feet, and staring at him, she turned and limped away. 

The moment I met you ( Chapter 26)


By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Aren’t you the president of Central Bank of Nigeria, so yes, I want more,’ she scoffed, slightly lifting her face, and this time concentrated on looking at this flawless face before her. His impeccable facial features were all she wanted to see but had sounded rudely, so he would hate her.  She had read from most romance novels, that for a marriage to be successful, the two people involved must come from the same family backgrounds, or love each other. She seemed to have neither of them. So, she would not like to hurt her heart.  She felt that it was best to stop having feelings for him this early moment to avoid heart-ache. Would she be able to do that? She would try but for how long? How long was she capable of telling her heart not to love him? Was he smart to notice her feelings for him? Or perhaps, was his heart frozen and wouldn’t wake for her sake? Was he truly married? Or was the ring for fancy? Or maybe the ring was to scare women away? Chioma couldn’t help but fill her mind with crazy thoughts!                  

Michael smiled; it seems he wasn’t angry at Chioma’s words. Obviously, he saw her as an eloquent, beautiful girl. Without saying a word, he pulled out a card from his wallet, on top of the card printed was a graceful font that had an address: 10 Danube street located off Ibrahim babangida way. Turning the back of the card, he wrote his personal phone number. ‘If it’s not enough, then call this number or follow that address. You’ll find me. I’ve got a meeting,’ he turned to go.         

This, however, provoked the anger in Chioma even more. She found his actions humiliating and irritating.                                                             

‘Sir, what do you take me for?’ how could you treat me this way? Why would you toss money on me like am a dog? Is this how rich folks treat the poor? I was expecting you to apologise to me not to show off. I know you’re a prince from a noble home and have all the money in the world!’ she shook her head.’ But then, everything cannot be bought with money.’ She railed at him, feeling tears in her eyes.                          

The moment I met you ( Chapter 25)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

She stared at the money in her hands, and could not help but let her tears roll down her cheeks.                                                                           

Michael wondered why she was silent. Could it be that the money wasn’t enough? Was she being greedy? Or perhaps, did he misinterpret her silence? At this thought, he took out all the money in his wallet, folded them into a roll, and then stuffed the money in her chest.                         

Chioma didn’t know what to do. But she felt that her pride has been insulted by this man as his cold fingertips brushed against her skin. How rude of him to humiliate her this way! Even though she had loved the intimacy she had felt as his fingertips brushed against her skin, she would not let him treat her this way! Perhaps, both of them had misinterpreted each other. She looked at the smirk on his face. She knew the man didn’t seem happy.                                                                        

 ‘Fortunately, your injury wasn’t severe. But seeing you like money, I will give you more,’ he paused, not knowing whether he had wronged her with his words. He took out another wallet and pulled out all the money in it. Pushing it into her hands, he said, ‘Don’t have enough time. Perhaps, this will do?’         

Hearing the ridicule in his voice, the anger in Chioma’s heart overflowed and flooded out. ‘What’s the meaning of this?’                            

  Michael’s brow twitched as he asked, ‘Want some more?’ Not waiting for her reply, he lowered his head and took out the last cash from the wallet and gave to her. ‘I don’t carry a lot of cash with me, so my wallets only contained 50,000 naira. I hope this little amount would be more than enough to patch up your wounds.’ He checked his luxury wristwatch.’ I have to go’. He rose up to go but Chioma’s words made him stop in his tracks.                                                       

  ‘Enough?’ Chioma smiled awkwardly.                                                             

‘Not enough?’ Michael furrowed his brow, glancing slightly at her. Was this woman so greedy? He smirked, his thin lips, forming into a smug curve. ‘Maybe you want more?’                 

The moment I met you ( Chapter 24)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyekwu

‘This…you…we…um…’Michael had always felt that he was a king who could control everything at anytime, but  he now realized, that it was only limited to some special circumstances. Facing this woman he was speechless as if he has lost his tongue. He didn’t know what to say to her. He wanted to wipe off the blood stains and carry her off to the hospital. But instead, he pulled out his wallet and took out a few large amount of money from it, and stuffed the money into her hands.       

 Michael believed that problems that could be solved with money were no problems. But then, he felt that this woman was special and deserved his care. Even though he just wanted to settle the incident and head off to Paradise Hotel where he would be meeting with the CEO of George enterprise who will be signing a partnership contract with Moon Corporation, he still wanted to be with her for a few moments.                 

  Chioma’s eyes were suddenly filled with tears. She wanted a hug and not money. She wanted him to gently caress her face and not to stare at her. Destiny has given her an opportunity to meet him again, yet she seemed hopeless. She studied his fingers which were slender and neatly trimmed. The diamond ring on his ring finger looked stunning, and with one look, one could tell that this handsome man had noble status. Was this man married? She thought, glancing at him. She wanted to ask him who he was married to. If he was really married, does that mean she would never have a chance with him? The thought of the man possessing a noble status made her to give up. She was poor to begin with. Why would she dream of such a high-class man? Why should she from an ordinary family dream of marrying someone like this noble man? Was she qualified to answer young madam?  There was a big gap between their family backgrounds, Chioma could see it clearly. It was best to give up now, she thought.     

Sunday, November 1, 2020

The moment I met you (Chapter 23)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Michael stopped in his tracks. He slowly narrowed his eyes, looking deep and far. This girl made his heart ache. He seemed to have seen her before. But with her head hanging down, he could not see her face. But then, he wished she was the girl of yesterday. He wanted to reach out his hands and hug her.  What if she wasn’t the girl of yesterday? And if she were the girl he had expected her to be, would she hate him for knocking her down?  At that thought, he went closer and gracefully half squatted down in front of her.                                                    

He lowered his eyes to coldly examine the bruise on her knee.               

Chioma noticed a familiar smell; the air was filled with a faint smell of chanel perfume. It was indeed refreshing. This reminded Chioma of the man she met yesterday. Didn’t that cold-handsome man also have this smell?                                                                                                 

At that moment Chioma raised her head and was shocked at the same time pleased to see this stunning man, wearing a homemade suit made by a designer in Milan. He was looking stylish as always. The two of them stared at each other, seemingly forgetting to breath.                    

As their gazes met, they found it difficult to speak. Michael coughed slightly as if mustering courage, then he looked at one of her slender legs that were smeared with blood. He wanted to wipe off the blood that trickled along the delicate curves of her leg but didn’t have the courage to do so. Perhaps he was afraid she would get mad and curse at him! He was also afraid she would misunderstand him.      

The moment I met you (Chapter 22)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

The car was indeed magnificent. No ordinary man could afford such a beautiful car. She wished the person that had knocked her down was that man of yesterday. She didn’t care about his car but about him. She wanted her life to be a kind of movie for a moment. She wanted to see him. Just a glimpse of him was enough to take away the pain she was feeling right now. Was it possible for him to appear from nowhere? He seemed a busy man and wouldn’t have the luxury of time to be seen around here, except if he had something very important to do, she thought, shaking off the idea of seeing his handsome, flawless face. She returned her attention to her bruised knee instead and to the corner of her dress which was torn open by the friction between the car and the gown. Her mother had bought that dress for her with hope that she would look presentable during her job hunt and interview, but now the dress was ruined. She held in her pain. She had only her mother and brother right now and desperately needed a higher paid job so as to support them. But it seemed destiny had another plan for her.                                                               

Was it possible to really find a hero who will sweep her off the ground and tend to her wounds just like in romance movies? She couldn’t help but think that way.                                                                                   

Just then the door of the Bugatti was pushed open, and a pair of expensive high-end, leather shoes touched the ground. Michael gracefully stepped out from the car and casually closed the door behind him.                                                                                                                                  

Though Chioma’s beauty was not stunning or rather breathtaking, she was still enchanting. And was among those women whose unique presence could captivate those around her.             

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...