Sunday, January 10, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 61)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 Edward gave a disappointed expression. ‘In other words, you have made up your mind not to marry Jessica? Fine, Michael, but you would never marry any girl you see on the street. She must be someone from a reputable background.’                                                                                           

Michael understood his meaning but didn’t utter any word.           

After Michael went to his room, he began signing the documents he brought home.                                                                                   

A moment later Patricia knocked and came in.                                   

‘Son, are you sure you wouldn’t give Jessica another chance? She is a good girl, you know that.’                                                                                   

Just as Michael was about to reply, he heard the sound of high heels clicking outside. He knew it was Jessica. Then, with an unreadable expression, she appeared at the door, wearing a long red dress, and her long beautiful hair flowing down like waterfall. She was very beautiful that many men would jump at her like a starving dog chasing after a bone. But that was not the case with Michael. Every man loves beautiful women but not every man marries beautiful women.                                                                                                        

 ‘What are you still doing here? It’s already late.’ Michael pointed at the clock in his room. ‘Go home already.’  His voice was cold.                                            

 ‘No, I’m not going anywhere. You can rent a house for yourself,’ Jessica said, crossing her arms. ‘If you ask me to go by this time of the night, then whatever happens would not be ignored by your family since we are childhood friends. In the end, my troubles are your troubles,’ she retorted and left.                                                            

 ‘She is right,’ Patricia said with a shrug. Right as she was about leaving the room, she stopped. Turning around to face him, she pointed to the files and said, ‘You go to sleep as well. Leave the files for tomorrow… Goodnight.’ She turned again and left, closing the door behind her.                                                

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