Sunday, April 25, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 232)

    By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                  

The hotel manager came up with three security officers to drag Jessica out.                                                                                                                             

‘Don’t you dare touch me else I will make your love ones pay!’Jessica yelled, glaring at them.                                                                                  

‘Everyone at the front desk have been fired by Sir Michael…Madam Jessica, please, don’t make me use force. I sincerely respect your status in Sir Michael’s life,’the hotel manager said calmly.               

‘I will walk myself out, so don’t you dare touch me!’Jessica huffed. She turned around and left.                                                                                         

Sighing, Robert dialed Michael’s number. Michael opened the door to let him in. Michael glanced over at Robert, shooting him a glare.                 

‘How did that girl know I was in this hotel?’                                         

‘I didn’t know until I met her following us. I even persuaded her not to disturb you.’Robert scratched his head, feeling embrassed.           

‘You helped her get my room card…’                                                                        

‘She told the front desk that you’re getting married to her… Anyway, your relationship…’                                                                                                

‘I have no relationship with that girl,’Michael coldly interrupted. ‘If you still want to have your job I will advice you to behave.’With that, Michael headed for his bedroom. He paused, and without turning around, he said, ‘She was the midnight snack you were ordering.’ He turned. ‘Next time, make sure to arrange your lies before dishing them out to people,’he coldly said, and then went into his bedroom.                                                    


Robert stood at the spot, not able to move his feet. Michael saw through him. He wasn’t a good liar, and might get himself into trouble if he kept helping Jessica to get closer to Michael. He might hate Chioma for Michael but he felt that Chioma wouldn’t behave as stupid as Jessica. Maybe, it was time to open up his heart for Chioma who was now Michael’s woman. Besides, Michael was the one who pays him salary, and should obey his command instead of Jessica who was gradually turning into a scheming bitch.                                                                                                                                     

The moment I met you (Chapter 231)

    By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

 ‘Let me go!’                                                                                               

‘That’s what I am doing,’Michael said mockingly.                                  

Jessica tried using all her strength to pull away from his grasp, but he was stronger. ‘I don’t want to live without you.’ She couldn’t pull her hand away from Michael. There was a huge difference between a man and a woman’s strength. It was tiring fighting a losing battle. The best was to decline or go with the defeating flow.

Michael opened the door, and pushed her away, slamming shut the door.

Michael dialed front desk immediately demanding why they gave Jessica his room card.                                                                                                 

‘You are all fired!’ Michael coldly said and hung up.                       

‘Michael, please don’t do this to me’, Jessica cried, pounding on the door.                                                                                                      

While crying as well as pounding on the door, Jessica deliberated on how to get back inside and be with Michael when Robert came over carrying fancy bags and frowned at how Jessica had disgraced herself. ‘Madam Jessica, if you had listened to me, you wouldn’t have been in this ridiculous state. I warned you not to come here today but you didn’t listen to me.’ Robert’s tone was full of mockery but he still felt pity for her.                                                                          

Jessica glared at Robert. ‘How dare you lecture me like a child! Do you wish to disappear forever?’ Jessica was really furious. ‘I asked the front desk to give me Michael’s room card, but was directed to the hotel manager and he gave me Michael’s room card. Everyone knows that Michael and I are getting married soon…so, don’t you dare lecture me.’                                                                                                                          

‘But you both aren’t married yet. What you did could bring this hotel into trouble.’ Robert wanted to make Jessica see a good reason not to have entered Michael’s room without his permission.          

‘This hotel is under the Moon Corporation, so it can’t be in trouble…’           

The moment I met you (Chapter 230)

    By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘I did, but I didn’t include my favourites.’                                              

Michael didn’t say another word. He walked over to the hotel elevator, and when the elevator arrived at the top floor, he stepped out, and elegantly, he followed the long stretch down to his luxury room. There were only three presidential suites in this hotel. Michael had chosen the one with the best view. It was the best and most expensive one. The suite was extremely luxurious. Michael had booked the middle presidential suite for Robert. It was also luxurious. Opening the door with his room card, he entered and turned on the light before closing the door. Loosening his collar, he headed for his lavish bedroom. Not aware of anyone in the room, he pushed his magnificent bedroom door with one hand, and with the other hand, he pulled off his tie, tossing it on his king-size bed. Placing his phone on the coffee table, he began unbuttoning his immaculate white dress shirt, but paused when he felt that someone was in the room.


How could someone possibly enter his room? Maybe, it was his illusion. He waved the thought away and continued to unbutton his shirt. The security in this hotel was a very tight one which would make it impossible for an intruder to get in without being caught.              


Just then, Jessica who had been lying on the sofa gave a little yawn and stretched luxuriously. Then, slowly, she walked over to the French window. Michael stopped what he was doing as his face turned icy cold. Before Michael could pick up his phone from the coffee table, Jessica rushed over and hugged him.                                                                                

‘Who let you?’Michael was furious. He quickly pulled her away from his body.  Grabbing onto her wrist, he pulled her towards the door.                             

The moment I met you (Chapter 229)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                    

‘Sometimes, you have to slowly feel things with your heart, and not say it aloud for anyone to hear,’Felix said to Chioma.                 

Chioma stared at him, not knowing what to say. She only found herself nodding.                                                                                                               

‘I will drive you home,’he said as they kept on dancing.                        

‘Huh?’Chioma looked surprised.                                                   

‘Will you object?’                                                                                               

‘Sir, I think it’s best if you stay here. If you bring me home, how would the people see you? ‘                                                                                               

‘Anyone is free to talk.’                                                                          

‘Trust me. I’m going to turn your offer down tonight, but maybe next time, I will accept you bring me home.’Chioma stopped him. She would dodge him from now on. But how would she do that? It was best if she told him that she already had a beau. ‘I have something important to tell you…’                                                                                               

‘That you have accepted to be my woman.’Felix interrupted, staring into her eyes. ‘Thank you.’ After speaking, he gracefully walked away.                       

Chioma was speechless. He was a domineering person, just like Michael. She needed to keep a safe distance from this man else his presence might ruin her relationship with Michael.

Reaching Pearl Hotel, Robert stopped at the entrance of the hotel, not wanting to face Michael’s wrath should Jessica sneak into his room.                               

‘Sir Michael, i remember you didn’t eat well at the restaurant, I was hoping to buy you midnight snacks.’                                            

‘I thought you already ordered?’Michael glanced over and asked.           

The moment I met you (Chapter 228)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘I know you were only bluffing,’Celine frowned at her, acting like a spoiled little girl.                                                                                                   

‘I’m not bluffing,’Prince said.                                                             

‘Then you can’t go back on your words, you have to bring me to Buckingham Palace for my coming-of-age.’Laughing, she extended her hands and demanded, ‘you gave Audrey a beautiful birthday present, where is my own?’                                                                                                     

‘Here.’Prince pointed to his lips.                                                                         

 Celine pinched his lips and Prince frowned.                                         

 ‘Who asks for a gift during another person’s birthday, aren’t you ashamed to want to steal the spotlight from your sister?’Prince pretended to be appalled.                                                                                                            

 ‘I don’t care, you’re my boyfriend.’ Celine blushed with a grin. Then, like a spoiled little girl, she pulled Prince closer and laid a kiss upon his rosy lips.                                                                                                       

‘You know how to get a man act like a fool,’Prince laughed.            

‘Of course, I know that what I did will work on you. I’m a kind of casting spell on you.’        

 Prince laughed. ‘Okay, I’ll marry you off immediately.’                       

Celine couldn’t help laughing, glancing at Audrey who was dancing with Daniel. Audrey had changed into another beautiful dress. She was now wearing a Chanel red gown. The sleeve of the red gown swept the floor, no doubt stealing the spotlight.                                                                        

On the other hand, Chioma was drinking alone while Chisom chose a random partner to dance with.  Chioma kept glancing around, not feeling comfortable with such a classy place filled with classy people. She saw Felix talking with a man in brown suit, when their eyes met, Felix smiled at her. Chioma looked away quickly, feeling uncomfortable with his handsome gaze.

Chioma placed the empty glass on a tray carried about by a waiter, and turned to leave. But just like magic in movies, Felix was too fast to get hold of her, extending his hand for a dance. Chioma wanted to decline dancing with Felix, but his domineering presence made it impossible for her to object. She didn’t want to reject the offer of dancing with Felix; especially not here that everyone seemed to be in their gossip mode.          

The moment I met you (Chapter 227)

    By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Prince stood behind her for a second, and with a sweet smile on his handsome face, he spun Celine around by her shoulder and said, ‘May I please have this honour of dancing with the most beautiful girl in this room?’                                                                                                                        

Celine blushed, and said, ‘My sister is the most beautiful girl today,’ she paused, smiling, she continued, ‘But, I’m proud to be of service to Prince Ojukwu.’Celine extended her slender hand with a smile on her face, making the girls to laugh.                                                                            

They slowly danced, and under the illumination of the lights, Celine felt like a real princess residing in Buckingham Palace. She couldn’t stop admiring Prince who was elegant in his black Versace suit and matching shoes.


‘I know you would say Audrey is the most beautiful tonight, but to me, you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.’                                                    

‘Really?’Celine leaned her head to Prince’s shoulder and smiled.                                                                                                                                          ‘Celine…’                                                                                                              ‘Mhm?’                                                                                                                         

‘I know you’re still fourteen, and you still have a few years to embrace eighteen… maybe I could throw a sweet sixteen party that will just be as grand as this.’Prince said with a smile on his face.                               

‘Then what will happen when I am eighteen?’                                    

‘We will go to Buckingham Palace.’Holding her waist with his two hands, Prince replied with a smile while dancing.                                                                   

‘How can I trust you?’Celine laughed, pinching his nose lovingly.                                                                                                                                               

Prince’s smile was relaxed and handsome.                                      

The moment I met you (Chapter 226)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

After a short while, Michael downed the glass of wine. Refilling the glass, he took a giant sip, and then he said, ‘I am not a single bone. Chioma had completed half of me which makes me whole.’                

‘But Madam Jessica would have been perfect for you…’                                      

‘What is wrong with your brains?’Michael violently smashed the glass of wine on the table. ‘Do you want to have her, you’re free! But never dare you mention that girl’s name to me anymore. If she wants to be mentioned in front of me, then she should be a good girl!’ Michael stood up. ‘It’s getting late. I should head back to the hotel.’              

Robert was afraid. He was afraid Jessica might act foolishly. He wouldn’t know what he would do to defend her, seeing how furious Michael was.                                                                                                                

Michael paused. He turned and saw that Robert was busy with his phone. He seemed to be texting someone. Of course, Robert was texting Jessica not to show her face to Michael, for he was furious at the mention of her name.                                                                                              

‘Who are you texting to?’Michael glared at Robert and asked.                                                                                                                                        ‘Um…I am ordering your favourite snacks.’Robert quickly said, afraid Michael would see through his lies. He wasn’t intending to order any snack but now he had just mentioned this lie to Michael, he would have to order some snacks to make his statement real. He cursed Jessica under his breath, for giving him such a stressful day.                                                     

Michael didn’t ask futher question. He nodded and turned towards the door. He had seen through Robert but didn’t want to expose him just yet. He knew Robert was texting Jessica but he didn’t know what it was.                                                                                                                  

Still at Audrey’s party, the guests were happily dancing   with their partners to the slow music playing from the piano. Prince, who was drinking with his brother Nathan, finished his wine before going to meet Celine who was talking and giggling with a group of girls, gracefully dressed in their evening gowns.

The moment I met you (Chapter 225)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                     

Robert had told her not to bother Michael today, for he had work lined up for him. But it seemed Jessica wasn’t going to listen to Robert. She felt that it was best to get him to accept her now that he would appear so tired.                                                                                                    

Jessica gripped the fork she was holding. She lowered her head and ate her food with her mind occupied in deep thought. When she somehow made up her mind to go to Michael despite Robert warning her against it, she pulled out a tissue to wipe the corners of her mouth. Opening her Dior wallet, inside laid a thick wad of cash, she pulled the money out, placing it on the table, and she headed for the door.                                        

At this same moment, in the private room at Golden Restaurant, Michael and Robert had drinks and meals delivered to them. After the waitress left, Robert’s phone began to ring. Seeing it was from Jessica, Robert didn’t dare pick the phone to avoid spoiling the mood. He wished Jessica would remain calm and not do anything foolish.                                                                                                                            

Robert poured wine for Michael and asked, ‘Are we really going to stay up to three weeks?’                                                                             

‘Do you want to leave already? I could book you an earliest flight back to Lagos, and as well as check you out.’Michael lifted his glass of wine to his well chiseled lips.                                                                            

‘No, Sir…’                                                                                                   

‘Then enjoy your meal quietly like an obedient child.’                          

‘Sir Michael, I was hoping if you could give Madam Jessica a chance to prove her love for you.’                                                                      

Michael glared at Robert, as his hand tightened on the glass of wine he was about to sip upon hearing Jessica’s name.                      

Robert immediately lowered his head. Perhaps, he seemed guilty to have mentioned Jessica’s name after being warned not to.   

The moment I met you (Chapter 224)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Robert didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. He had brought an umbrella for Michael, and now he got such insulting words from him?                                                                                                                                            

‘Let’s go.’Michael pointed to his car, heading for the driver’s seat.                  


Robert didn’t object. He followed obediently. Instead of getting mad at what Michael said, which was of course annoying, Robert rushed in front of Michael to open the door. ‘Sir Michael.’                                      

Michael was about entering the driver’s seat, but hearing the words of Robert as well as understanding what he meant, he raised an eyebrow, and after a while, he released the door handle, and went to the back seat. Robert boarded the front seat and started the car.                     

‘Sir Michael, do you wish to eat in the hotel or should we go to a luxurious restaurant?’                                                                                                  

‘Do you know of a place?’                                                                                           

‘Yeah, I know of Golden Restaurant. I heard that the restaurant had been renovated, making it look more extravagant and lavish than before.’                                                                                                                

‘You must be good with knowing names of restaurants and hotels,’Michael smirked, and then said again after a pause, ‘Book a reservation.’                                                                                                                           

‘Okay, Sir,’Robert smiled, taking out his phone from his pocket so as to make reservation for dinner.                                                                     

Somewhere in a lavish restaurant close to a shopping mall, Jessica sat down before a large spread of food. She was now wearing a beige- coloured trench dress with matching pumps and a bracelet. She had intended to forget about Michael tonight and relish the moment with these sumptuous meal she had ordered. But then, instead of eating, she found herself reminiscing about Michael and the future she had wanted to share with him. 

The moment I met you (Chapter 223)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

 He took over as the CEO of Moon Corporation on the day Edward went on a business trip to China. Edward, the corporation chairman, decided to retire seeing that during his trip to China, Michael was able to make the stock rise to 25% in just a day. He knew that Michael would be capable to run the company and so felt happy handing him the company.                                                                                        

Turning to the branch director, Michael said, ‘Bring me the progress report first thing tomorrow morning.’Michael stood up.                              

The branch director replied, ‘Okay, Sir.’                                                 

With that Michael left the meeting room. As he walked down the stairs, he found out that it was still raining lightly. When he came to the roadside where he had parked his car, reaching for his car keys, he gracefully unlocked the car. And just as he was about getting inside the car, he paused, and then turned his head to the person standing not far away, at the other side of the road.                      

‘Sir Michael…’Robert called. It seemed he had been waiting for a long time; some part of his dress was already drenched despite the umbrella he was holding above his head to shield from the rain. ‘Sir Michael I brought umbrella for you,’he said taking large steps towards Michael. Looking up into his eyes, he asked with concern, ‘Sir Michael, how did the meeting go? Are we really going to relocate to a new place? Isn’t the Lagos State governor the one that has been benefiting from Moon Corporation? How dare he order Moon Corporation to relocate to a remote area?’                                                                                               

‘What are you doing here?’Michael asked instead.                         

‘To bring you this umbrella.’                                                                    

Michael glanced at the blue umbrella Robert had brought for him. ‘Did you come here to give me this or are you here to get one night stand?’

The moment I met you (Chapter 222)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

The guests stared at Audrey and Daniel as well as began to whisper among them. They must have been expecting someone like the president’s first son, and not this man whose background was still unknown to them, even so, Daniel was tall and elegant looking man.                          

‘There is something I have prepared for you,’Daniel said.                    

‘Can’t wait to see it,’Audrey giggled as they danced.                           

‘It is a surprise that you will like,’Daniel smiled, giving her a winning smile.                                                                                                                   

‘Who is that young man with Audrey?’Patricia asked Isabelle. Patricia was looking beautiful in her sparkly green dress.                           

‘Don’t know where Audrey picked her from.’She was holding a glass of wine which she sipped from time to time.                                       

‘Do background check on him,’Patricia said to Isabelle.                   

‘I don’t think its right to meddle in my daughter’s affairs. She’s old enough to decide for herself, right?’Isabelle glanced at Patricia.                        

 Patricia shrugged, taking a sip of her wine. She turned her head towards the stage when Daniel began singing, Elvis Presley’s Can’t Help Falling in Love for Audrey.                                                                                      

Audrey really was glad that Daniel had this song as a special gift for her. He had spent time practicing it. And for him to be allowed to sing it for Audrey he had to go through the event planner that was able to talk to Felix to give Daniel a chance to sing this special son for Audrey.                                                

Audrey’s eyes were teary as she listened to Daniel’s pleasing song and voice. The song captivated the guests, that some of them sang along as they wiped away tears from their eyes.                                                                                                                                                                       

Meanwhile in Lagos state, and inside the executive meeting room of Moon Corporation Lagos branch building, Michael sat gracefully on his seat. He was wearing a white dress shirt that was custom made in France with cuffs adorned with luxurious diamonds. He was ravishingly handsome. 

The moment I met you (Chapter 221)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

When it was the turn of Felix to dance with Audrey, he appeared on the stage. Under the spotlight, his well sculptured body looked perfect and charming. Most importantly, the presence he exuded was similar to that of a king. Chioma who watched the sibilings dance couldn’t help but think of the striking resemblance between Michael and Felix. It was as though the two men were born to stand intimidatingly where no one could reach.                                                                  

‘What are you thinking?’Chisom glanced at Chioma and asked.                                                               

Chioma sighed. ‘Felix and Michael exude the same aura…’                

‘Are you thinking they could be brothers?’                                           

 Chioma nodded.                                                                                      

‘Well, if you’re confused you have Audrey to ask,’Chisom paused. ‘But then, if they are related then Michael wouldn’t miss this for anything in the world. They may exude the same aura but they don’t look alike.’                                                                                                                

‘Mhm, Chisom that makes sense. If they were related, Michael would be here.’                                                                                             

‘Let’s just enjoy ourselves because we might not have the chance to attend such a grand party again…’                                                               

‘Mhm.’Chioma didn’t think too much of it. If Michael was related to Audrey, then, he should have been here, Chioma thought.              

Finally, it was Daniel’s turn to dance with Audrey. He was the last man to dance with her. ‘My princess, may i?’Daniel bowed slightly, as he extended his hand after gifting her single rose. Audrey took his hand, and they began to dance happily.

The moment I met you (Chapter 220)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Obinna nodded with a smile. He was smartly dressed in black suit, and his wife who stood beside him wore a fitting blue dress.                        

‘We do know that similar coming-of-age celebrations occurs around the world just like the quinceanera in parts of latin America and debutante balls in the US… which I today decided to give my daughter a memorable experience.’He paused, and said after a moment, looking at Isabelle who was now standing besides Patricia, ‘When my beautiful wife Isabelle celebrated her debut I was her escort, though her debut had been a simple one. My daughter’s is grander!’


Hearing these words, the guests roared in laughter, causing Isabelle’s eyes to twinkle. Nicholas had been her escort, and now someone was her daughter’s escort. She wondered if Daniel would end up being Audrey’s husband just like Nicholas ended up marrying her. Audrey glanced up at Daniel and smiled. Daniel smiled too. He seemed to be in cloud nine because he was Audrey’s escort. He wished that everything wouldn’t just end here but he would end up marrying her just as Nicholas married Isabelle.


‘I wish to precede the 18 Roses Dance with the debutante who is my adorable princess.’Nicholas glanced sweetly at Audrey who gave her most winnng smile.                                                                                                

The sole purpose of this 18 roses dance was simply to honour the closest male of the celebrant; which of course included her uncles, cousins, close friends, suitors or boyfriend. And each of these people were to dance with Audrey after presenting her with a single red rose or  tulips  which was one of  Audrey’s favourite flowers. The 18 men were elegantly dressed, looking handsome and refreshing.  

People clapped. Nicholas handed the microphone to the MC, and he walked over to Audrey, presented her with a single red rose after which he smilingly,extended his hand towards her with a bow, Audrey took his hand with a grin. Then, they began to relish the guests with their slow dance which the swayed along with the sentimental music playing in the ballroom.      

The moment I met you (Chapter 219)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

The ballroom was graciously decorated for the occasion. It was obvious that the decoration must have cost several million nairas.


‘Felix is here!’Chisom whispered to Chioma.                                        

Chioma decided not to look so as not to meet his gaze. She was afraid he might come over once he caught a glimpse of her.                     

‘He’s very handsome,’Chisom giggled.   ‘Look at how stunning he looks in that outfit of his.’

Slowly Chioma glanced at the door and almost gasped when he entered, bundled up in a blue Versace scarf. He was a tall and elegant looking man. His tailored high-end coat fitted him perfectly well. Chioma watched as he walked gracefully towards his father. She felt that Felix had the same aura just like Michael. Just like Michael, Felix had this aura of an untouchable billionaire that everyone looked up to. Not just that, they both possessed a presence which even most celebrities or billionaires couldn’t compare to. They were both very handsome, but Chioma felt that Michael was more attractive with a slight difference. Could they be siblings? She thought. This was one thing she had never asked Michael, if he had another brother. She was certain he was Audrey’s elder brother. Perhaps, her imagination was just running wild without thinking.     

As Felix turned to Chioma, she looked down quickly. She thought that he was going to grab her hand and take her away. But instead, Felix smiled, and then turned to look at his sister Audrey who obviously stole the spotlight.                                                                                             

‘Today marks my daughter’s debut,’Nicholas said once all the invited guests had arrived. ‘I am especially glad to welcome the president of the federal Republic of Nigeria who is also the commander-in-chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, in the person of Obinna Ojukwu and his family.’  

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...