Saturday, May 15, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 281)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Felix raised an eyebrow, silent for a moment, before he said, ‘If I were you, I would think of a way to use extreme measures against those mobsters.’

‘I know I am bitter but then, using extreme measures isn’t my style.’                                                                                                                                       

Felix shook his head. ‘Men like you will always remain poor because you’re afraid to hurt a lot of people, and men like you will always lose in battle because you’re afraid to kill. It’s not my style to kill anyway, but never give people the chance to hurt you over and over again.’ The light turned green, and Felix drove away again.                            

Andrew looked worried. ‘What if Chioma breaks your heart? What will you do to her? Will you use extreme measures?’ Andrew felt that what he asked Felix would likely to upset him. But to his surprise, Felix smiled at him.                                                                                                              

‘I don’t think so. I had known your sister through my sister,’Felix said gently.‘I’ll tell you why I will never hurt her; it’s because she is a very special person. Anyway, you’d better go home and rest. I see that you’re thinking too much. I will never give Chioma the chance to hurt me.’                                                                                                      

‘I thought you would have said; I’m going to cut her face to ribbons, then poke out her eyes in such a way that no man will ever want her again, and she won’t be able to see how ugly she’s or pursue other men.’

Felix turned to Andrew who seems worried. ‘Don’t you worry; my love story with your sister will be a perfect one. And anyone that tries to get in the way must know his status first…’

The moment I met you (Chapter 280)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

 Andrew nodded. But deep down, he was nervous and didn’t know what to say to Felix. My sister already has a beau, he said in his head. Should I or should I not tell Felix about this?                                                

Felix got onto the driver’s seat and drove out of the police station. Shortly after they left the station, Felix received a call from Michael. He stuffed a wireless earpiece into his ear before picking up.

‘Felix, Audrey told me what happened. I am returning this evening to help search for the culprit. Moreover, I have ordered for the culprit to be brought to me in person,’ Michael’s attractive voice sounded from the other side of the line.

‘Is Jessica still in Lagos?’                                                                           

‘That bitch followed me to Lagos,’Michael coldly said. ‘Why do you ask?’                                                                                                           

‘Because the men pointed the crime to Nnaji…but then, I doubt if Jessica could do such a thing to my woman. Maybe she wanted to get her revenge on me for not helping her to have you…’                              

‘We will speak more when I return. And I promise to find evidence.’                                                                                                                     

‘I can handle it. Just stay there and finish your work,’Felix said.                                                                                                                       

‘By hurting your woman, they have gone against the Njemanze family!’                                                                                                       

‘And they will surely pay for it,’Felix said. ‘I will leave you to your work. Please, don’t come yet. Finish everything you have to do.’                     

‘Okay,’Michael said, hanging up on the call as he walked inside his study room in his Army green cotton suit, staring at the muted television which showed the latest financial news.                                               

‘Sir, can I ask you a question?’Andrew glanced to look at Felix who had stopped at a red light.                                                                              

‘No.’Felix refused him, pulling out the earpiece.                                                

‘I am going to ask a question that has been bothering me…’Andrew said calmly. ‘Because, I am afraid you may misunderstand and think badly of my sister.’

The moment I met you (Chapter 279)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘We were sent by…’one of them began to speak.                                           

‘By who?’Felix’s eyes darkened, as he asked coldly. ‘Who sent you?’

‘Her last name is Nnaji and she is rich and from a powerful home, that’s all I can say,’ the man said, biting his lips for spilling the beans.                                                                                                                                             

‘Why should I believe you?’Felix asked coldly.                                   

‘Because that’s the truth.’

‘Oh, I see, it must be Jessica,’Felix muttered. ‘But why would she send men to go after Chioma.’ Before Felix left, he turned and said to them, ‘There is, however one thing I can promise you people, you’ll not leave this place until the culprit is caught!’                                                           

The men were shocked. What does Felix mean? Does he not really have the intention to set them free? Is this some kind of joke? They will be set free only when the culprit was caught? Jessica was from a formidable background. It will be difficult to drag her to the station. They couldn’t just betray her by giving information about her to Felix or to the police. There are so many Nnajis in the country, and finding the real mastermind out of the hundreds of people bearing that name would be impossible.  But then, Felix was a man with multiple connections. It was possible to find anyone he wanted to find.                                  

Felix coldly left the detention cell. Just as he stepped out of the side door, he spotted Andrew speaking to a police officer.                                  

When Andrew saw Felix he went to him. He was exceptionally grateful for what Felix had done, ‘Thank you Sir for making sure those mobsters were caught.’                                                                  

Felix’s eyes slightly twitched as he let out a smirk, ‘Young man, did you think I will let anyone bully my woman?’ He went to his sports car, opening the door; he turned to Andrew and said, ‘Get in.’      

The moment I met you (Chapter 278)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                   

‘Who sent you to torture my woman?’Felix asked them coldly when he entered the detention room.                                                         

‘Your woman?’

The men were surprised as they glanced at each other. Jessica had told them to teach Chioma a lesson because she had snatched Michael from her. And now, Felix was calling Chioma his woman. At this moment, they were able to connect the dots and felt that both Michael and Felix are in love with Chioma.                                          

Felix looked at them with icy expression. ‘Answer my question or else I will make sure you all disappear from this city. Who’s behind this?’                                                                                                                  

‘We can’t tell you even if you torture us to death,’their leader tilted his head up slightly in pride and said.                                                          

‘I see how much brave you’ve become. Then, you have to consider your family ruined. I will find who is behind this, and I promise to send you off to hell…’                                                                                          

The all fell silent as they heared what Felix said. They knew that Felix wasn’t joking at all.                                                                                      

‘Felix is running out of patience, you know what’s going to happen to you guys if you don’t speak,’Stanley walked in and said. ‘The police will not spare you either. So, do the right thing and receive a light punishment.’ Stanley knew who Felix was and wouldn’t dare be rude to him. Even though he was a police officer with a high level of authority, he knew he could not offend the Njemanzes. But what he didn’t know was his relation to Chioma. He was aware of Chioma’s relationship with Michael, but not Felix’s relationship with her. Felix was a man that could make anyone disappears from Nigeria if he wants to. He was powerful just like Michael. But he wondered why Felix was protecting Chioma. Was he protecting her as his brother’s girlfriend or was he protecting her because he has feelings for her? He heard Felix calling Chioma his woman. Could it be a slip of the tongue or was he serious with what he called her? Stanley slowly turned to look at Felix with thoughts racing through his mind.

The moment I met you (Chapter 277)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu            

‘She might not like the too much lavish of wealth on her.’Chisom wanted to say, Chioma might not like it because she was seeing someone else. Instead, she said something else.                                                

Felix didn’t say more to Chisom; he glanced at Audrey and said, ‘Call me if she needs anything.’                                                                       

Audrey nodded with a smile.                                                                   

Felix left the room while Chisom and Audrey walked inside. A nurse wearing a white robe gracefully wrote on the file she was holding. After the nurse finished checking on Chioma, she turned around to leave. Then, another nurse walked inside to deliver breakfast. Placing the breakfast on the table, she headed out, leaving Audrey, Chisom, Chioma and Louisa. Louisa had slept the night at the hospital.                                                                                                                               

Chioma was sleeping, so no one bothered to disturb her. Instead, they sat down quietly; wshing Chioma opens her eyes and talk cheerfully with them.                                                                                                    

Meanwhile as Felix was about boarding his car, he received a call from Peter. With his efficiency as an ex-solider, Peter was able to apprehend the men that had attacked Chioma. He had also worked with the police, making the work easier for the men to be captured. Instead of driving to Moon Corporation, Felix drove straight to Nigeria Police Force.                                                                                                              

As Felix arrived the station, he met Peter talking with Stanley. Peter’s face lit up at the sight of Felix.                                                         

‘Sir Felix, you are free to torture them anyhow you want,’Peter said.                                                                                                    

Felix was emotionless as he glanced at Stanley. ‘Did they confess who sent them?’                                                                                               

‘No, Sir,’Stanley answered. ‘But, they have previous records. Some of them were involved in abduction and rape cases…’                                      

Felix waved his hand. ‘Take me to them. I need to force them to say the truth.’                                                                                                     

The men were held at the detention cell of this station. They haven’t undergone trial yet because they police couldn’t find out who the mastermind was.

The moment I met you (Chapter 276)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

Felix also made sure that before any stranger was let in, they would have to go through security scanning. Audrey’s face was full of smile when she saw how much effort her brother has put in a place, for the protection of Chioma. Chisom didn’t say a word. She wondered how Audrey and Felix would react if they found out Chioma already had a beau. It wasn’t Chioma’s fault, although she had loved Michael the first day she meant him, he had forcibly made her his woman. Felix, on the other hand, never gave Chioma the chance to speak about that. He believed Chioma was his since she hadn’t a beau, which was the truth when she had met Audrey. Chisom wished everything will be fine.                                                

Just as Audrey and Chisom entered, they bumped into Felix who was dressed in a green wool blends suit with pocket square. 

‘How’s she?’Audrey asked Felix, concerned.

‘She’s absolutely fine now…I will have to place a heavy insurance on her when she recovers full well. Right now she’s still under observation.’

Chisom couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth, ‘I’m glad you thought of this, but please don’t do it without Chioma’s permission.’                                                                                                                  

‘Do you think I will listen to you?’                                                                    

‘Uhm…fine…but Sir, just this once ask her if she would like it. Please, don’t boss over her, for she might…’Chisom paused.                              

‘She might do what?’Felix raised an eyebrow.

The moment I met you (Chapter 275)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 


‘Don’t worry; those bad guys would severely pay for torturing my brother’s woman.’                                                                                                     

Audrey was pleased to hear these words from Michael. Reaching the hospital, she carried the basket of fruits and flowers she had bought on the way and headed inside, wrinkling her nose at the hospital usual unpleasant smell. Meeting Chisom at the entrance of the hospital, Audrey hugged her, reassuring her that Chioma would be fine.                         

‘How can it be that my friend was attacked for no reason? Who could have been the mastermind?’ She paused as tears filled her eyes. Then, she spoke softly after a moment, ‘But, don’t you worry, Chioma will get justice. I will make sure that those gunmen, no, unknown gunmen are punished for their crimes.’Audrey felt heavy inside.

‘They could have killed her if your brother didn’t arrive. Chioma is my bestfriend, and I do love her very much…’Chisom paused as her eyes turned teary.                                                                                 

‘Don’t cry. I am also here for Chioma. She’s my friend too. Her hospital bill and pills will be taking care of.’                                                                  

‘Miss Audrey, you’re very kind and generous. Before, I used to think that you’re a scheming bitch, but no, you are very good.’ Seeing Audrey was so kind, Chisom got emotional.                                                

‘Let’s not talk about it… for now; I am desperate to see Chioma.’                                                                                   

Chisom had thought Audrey would never come to see Chioma, but to her surprise, Audrey was loyal to her friendship with Chioma that she even came very early this morning to visit her.                           

Together, they walked towards Chioma’s room. As they walked upstairs towards Chioma’s room, nurses and patients who recognised Audrey greeted her warmly.                                                                

Felix had admitted Chioma into the VIP ward even though Chioma’s mother and brother felt uncomfortable about it; they still had no choice than to let Felix have his way since no one would stop him anyway. Chioma stayed in one room, a suite that was luxurious. Only those who stayed in the VIP of this hospital are those that were capable of burning money. Four or five bodyguards in gorgeous suits stood outside the room. Anyone who passed by would think that a wealthy patient lived inside or perhaps, they would think that the president of the country or government official lived inside, because the display of attention was simply too much. Felix didn’t care what people would think or say, he was simply trying to protect Chioma.    

The moment I met you (Chapter 274)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘Felix left already,’Nicholas said, taking off his gasses. Nicholas looked at Audrey. ‘Are you all right?’                                                     

Audrey shook her head. ‘No. my friend is in the hospital,’Audrey said, picking up a spoon from a fancy tray. She took a few bites of the pineapple rice before her, then, she took a brief sip of her water melon juice and stood up to leave. ‘I should go.’                                 

Celine frowned. ‘I haven’t had enough…’                                         

‘Is okay, I will bring you to school,’Nicholas offered.                             

Celine strode over and gave her dad a big hug. ‘Wow, this is the first time you are offering to bring me to school. Who would imagine that the senate president would bring me to school? Audrey, you got your phone? Please, help me record this moment.’                                         

‘There will always be a next time. I am in a hurry to leave.’Audrey turned her head and said.                                                              

Celine took out her phone from her rucksack and handed it to Isabelle. 

‘Mum, take a picture of us.’                                                             

‘What about me?’Isabelle asked with a chuckle as she took the phone. She walked over to stand beside Nicholas, not wanting to miss this opportunity, leaning her head on his shoulder, she asked a maid to take the picture for them instead. Smiling, Celine held her mother’s arm, and with the other free hand, she made a peace sign and their picture was taken. Then, they went back to eat.                                      

Meanwhile, Audrey selected a black Maserati from the garage and drove to City Hospital where Chioma was admitted. On the way, she messaged Michael, ‘Big brother Michael, Felix’s girlfriend is in the hospital. She was attacked by unknown men.’                                                

Michael had received the message in the middle of a meeting. Concerned about his couisin, Michael paused the meeting he was doing, causing the higher-ups to look each other in surprise. He was a god-like person with a great influence. Ignoring the reactions of those around him, he quickly replied to Audrey, ‘She is the girl you found for Felix?’

The moment I met you (Chapter 273)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘Goodnight,’ Audrey wrote with a sleeping emoji.                                

Chisom replied also, then, she took picture of the portrait and sent it to Stanley.                                                                                                    

The following morning, Audrey had a quick shower unlike before when she would take her time to freshen up. Then, she wore a white coat with turtleneck dress, pairing the monochrome look with an olive clutch and pumps. Not bothering to look at her reflection in the mirror, she headed downstairs, turning to the extremely luxurious dining room to grab a quick bite before going to the hospital to visit Chioma.                                                                                                              

On the long exquisite table were all kinds of dishes and fruits, including Audrey’s favourite pineapple rice, fried rice and egg. They dishes were all delicious and carefully prepared but it seems like she had lost the appetite to eat because her friend Chioma was in the hospital.

‘Mum, I am starving already. Can we eat now?’ Celine turned her head and asked Isabelle. Celine was in her smart school uniform.             

Isabelle smiled. ‘Not yet. Your dad and brother are not here.’  She was looking elegant in her forest green skirt suit, a string of pearls and a black handbag, which one of the  maid-in-waits was holding for her.  

‘Big brother Felix isn’t going to eat for sure…’Celine mumbled. ‘I’m sure he is fasting for his girlfriend.’ She rolled her eyes.                 

Just then, Nicholas walked into the dining, dressed in a navy blue suit and matching shoes and gold-rimmed glasses which made him look like an elegant scholar.                                                                                      

‘Dad…is good you came already. I’m really starving,’Celine breathed.                                                                                                                                     

‘Dad, let’s dig in. I need to visit my friend.’ Audrey’s voice was small, but Nicholas still heard what she said.  

The moment I met you (Chapter 272)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

After bathing, Chisom went to the living room to watch TV. Perhaps, reporters might carry the news and the men involved would be caught. As she was about sitting on the couch her phone began to ring. It was Stanley calling.                                                                                                   

‘Did you catch the men behind it?’Chisom asked, anxious.                        

‘We didn’t find them yet. We arrived the scene very late. But we hope to find them…did you see any of them? Perhaps, you could give me a sketch…’

Chisom racked her brain, and after a while she said, ‘I think I was able to see the one not wearing mask before they flee.’                                         

‘Good. What about their license plate number, anything that could help.’                              

‘No,’Chisom sighed. ‘I don’t know whether they had a van or any vehicle. But I could try my best to sketch the man I had seen. I will send it to your Whatsapp when I am done.’

Chisom went to her room when she hung up. Sitting on her study desk, she reached for a sheet of paper and a pencil and began to recall the face of the man who supposedly was their leader as she sketches the portrait. As she sketched, she wiped off tears from time to time. Chioma was her best friend. She didn’t know what she would do if she lost her. 

 After a few moments, Chisom finished the portrait sketch of the man whom she felt was the boss of the gang. Just as she was about snapping the portrait and sending it over to Stanley, she received a Whatsapp message from Audrey who was lying in bed.                                              

‘Chisom, my brother told me about what happened to Chioma. I will visit her tomorrow.’                                                                          

Chisom replied her instantly, ‘Okay.’ She wanted to tell Audrey about Chioma’s relationship, but didn’t anymore. This wasn’t the time. Perhaps, when Chioma recovers she would tell Felix everything. He would get hurt. But it was best to do this instead of living in guilt.      

The moment I met you (Chapter 271)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                    

‘Jess, please, that’s enough…’                                                                  

Jessica glanced coldly at Sharon. ‘How can I stop? Not only did Chioma charm my Michael, she also caught Felix in her web. She is really flirtatious. She must know seduction techniques.’                                               

Sharon couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘That girl is simply a lowly peasant, and you’re a rich heiress. So, she doesn’t compare. Don’t waste your energy fighting her. You will definitely not win.’                                             

‘Nathan hasn’t falling for her, has he? She is such a fickle woman. She is good at seducing men everywhere. Who knows how many men she had slept with? I won’t be surprised if she had aborted so many babies. She could be carrying a disease. I should warn Michael against her.’ She bent to pick up her phone.                                                            


‘Why should you stop me?’                                                                      

‘Um…didn’t you say you want to set up a gallows that stands seventy- five feet tall for Chioma to hang herself on it and would never be able to get out? Besides, you want to stay more with Michael, right? If you tell Michael about this, he will leave for Abuja already to be with Chioma.’

Jessica nodded at Sharon’s explanation. ‘You’re right.’

Sharon let out a deep sigh after convincing Jessica not to send the video to Michael. She knew that if Michael doesn’t want Chioma anymore, he would never still run to Jessica. Even if Jessica went for plastic surgery in Korea just to be like an Asian superstar, Michael would not still fancy her. Michael simply loves Chioma for who she was, and nobody would be able to change that.                                  

Chisom took a hot bath as soon as she returned home. She was still thinking about Chioma and who was the mastermind behind the attack. It was a good thing Felix arrived in time to save her else Chioma would have died today! She couldn’t get rid of the panic within. 

The moment I met you (Chapter 270)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

At this moment, Jessica received a video notification from the men she had hired to teach Chioma a lesson. A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as she clicked the video open.                                                

‘Let’s watch a movie, Sharon.’Jessica brought her phone before Sharon, and the two watched the recording of Chioma’s torture. The video was more than five minutes. It didn’t reach the part where Felix arrived to save her. They had carefully erased that part before sending the video to Jessica.                                                                                             

‘What if Michael finds out about this, don’t you think he would hate you more?’                                                                                                     

Jessica shrugged. ‘So what if he finds out? I have a similar background as michael, so am not afraid of him.’                                                     

‘Jess, your background is nothing compared to Michael’s. You might have a formidable background, but you don’t stand a chance with the Njemanzes…’                                                                                                    

‘I didn’t hurt Michael. I only punished the lowly peasant woman.’ Jessica felt pleased.

Just then she received an SMS from the men. When she clicked it open, she realised it was a message from the men she had hired to teach Chioma a painful lesson. She read the message with a blissful smile; Transfer our balance immediately.                                                                      

Jessica immediately transferred the remaining balance to the men. But at this same moment, she received a video notification from Julia.                    

Clicking the video open, Jessica’s face turned grim as she saw Felix saving Chioma in the scene just like in movies where in a dangerous situation, the hero appeared from nowhere to save the princess in distress.

Jessica tossed her phone onto the ground, pacing back and forth the room as she said furiously, ‘Chioma is really a witch. How could Felix arrive from nowhere to save her? He shattered my plans of silencing that girl forever. Who knows how many people that bitch has fooled around with…’   

The moment I met you (Chapter 269)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

The onlookers who had recognised Felix all looked on in astonishment. Most of them had seen what happened before felix’s arrival but didn’t dare come out to save Chioma, but now they felt the men were gone, they all left their shops and cars and came out to stand around and watch. Some were watching the scene from upstairs. They couldn’t help but wonder what Felix’s relationship with Chioma was. Those who knew Felix had been aware of his cold personality. He had never been intimate towards any girl before. But now, Felix was so protective and loving towards her that he even had to carry Chioma in his arms.                                                                                                               

Chisom, who had arrived with Felix, couldn’t help but feel pity for her friend. She wondered who could have done this to Chioma and why. She had seen the face of one of the men before they flee. The others were wearing masks to conceal their face.                                                                    

Thankfully, there was a hospital close by. It only took a few minutes to reach it. Almost in slow-motion, Felix went into the hospital, and handed Chioma to the doctors and nurses who had arrived with a stretcher. Placing Chioma on it, they took her to the Emergency room. He didn’t go yet. He was going to wait at the lobby until Chioma was out of danger.                                                  

At Jessica’s hotel room in Lagos state, she was resting her feet on a table and leaning back against her chair as she played games on her phone. She seems to be expecting something.                                        

Sharon, who was sitting on the bed, ate peanut butter. After a moment, she glanced at Jessica and suggested sofly, ‘I was thinking we could go to Paris…’                                                                                                     

Jessica frowned. She didn’t want anything that would pull her out from Michael. If she left for Paris, she was afraid Michael might not even recognise her when she returns.                                                                         

‘No, not yet,’Jessica said, then, she lowered her head and continued playing on her phone. 

The moment I met you (Chapter 268)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

 Chioma was kicked over and over again. Her stomach was hurting because she had been hit there. With tears in her eyes, she curled up in pain and clasped her stomach. Michael…Michael…please, save me…if you don’t save me, I will surely die…   

 ‘Miss Chioma, before I send you off to hell, I’ll give you a piece of advice…Lucifer has numerous female demons who are in relationship with him. Majority of them came from impressive backgrounds, even if you feel jealous and want to own Lucifer, never dare you seduce him. You could only admire him in silence. Because once those little demons find you with Lucifer, they will vent all of their anger on you once Lucifer goes out on a mission…’ after saying these, he raised his pistol, pointing it at Chioma.                                        

 Chioma didn’t know what to do. She was in life and death moment, perhaps, expecting the man to pull the trigger, but suddenly, a magnetic voice was heard, ‘Stop!’                                                                             

‘Who are you?’ they men turned around. Seeing who it was, they flee away.                                                                                                                  

  Chioma, who awaited her death, suddenly opened her eyes upon hearing Felix’s voice.                                                                                        

Felix’s heart ached when he saw Chioma in pain. His handsome face turned gloomy, and with a piercing gaze, he turned to Peter, and said, ‘Make sure to find those men!’                                                      

‘Yes, Sir,’Peter nodded, and went off to find the men. Peter had never seen Felix like this. He knew that Felix love Chioma so much to care for her.                                                                                                                        

Felix then stretched his long arms around Chioma and pulled her into his embrace, ignoring the onlookers that had gathered the scene. Vexed, he said into her ear, ‘If you had waited for me, you wouldn’t be in this condition. Why did you run away?’                                  

The moment I met you (Chapter 267)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

The moment the man finished speaking, he waved a hand and the men behind him came forward hitting Chioma mercilessly as her bags flew away, Chioma cried out in pain, trying her best not to fall to the ground. She wondered how she could be so unfortunate today. Maybe, if she had gone on a date with Felix, she wouldn’t be facing this now. As the men hit her, she felt her head spinning, causing her to feel dizzy. Suddenly, her vision went black, and she managed to hold onto a pole.                                                                       

Tears streamed down Chioma’s face as she thought she could be saved just like in movies. She was already surrounded. How could Michael who was in Abuja save her. Chioma was to use her last strength to save herself. But then, the men were very strong. There was a huge disparity between a man and woman, let alone when facing about ten men who are paid to do jobs like this. For future business, they would do their employers bidding to be recommended or hired again. It was impossible for Chioma’s weak strength to challenge the men.     


‘Miss, why don’t you save yourself? You little slut! One of them mockingly said.                                                                                                                     

Chioma tried her best possible to save herself, afraid the men might kill her here or take her somewhere secluded where they would leave her body in broken pieces. She felt that if she had learned a little bit of karate she could at least defend herself. She had watched several Chinese movies, where women were able to defend themselves in moments like this.            

She wished she was in such movies, defending herself. But, no, she was hopeless and helpless at the same time.

‘How dare you seduce Michael, and make his fiancee look bad. You know you’re a lowly peasant; therefore you are not qualified to be with supreme Michael! How could you break two people who are in love? And if you are wondering why you are receiving this torture, it is because you are a disgusting piece of trash. You are not qualified to belong to Michael. A lowly peasant like you isn’t compatible with Michael. Jessica is the only woman that is qualified for him.’                   

The moment I met you (Chapter 266)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘What’s my crime?’Chioma asked, afraid. But then, she knew that at this moment she shouldn’t let fear get the best of her, knowing how pointless fear was in a dangerous situation.  

The man glanced down at the bags Chioma was carrying and smirked. ‘Looks like you love food more than your own life. You even protected your bags like you have treasure in them. Anyway, it doesn’t matter to me. I am going to teach you a lesson because your crimes are so much…so, receive this lesson and go home to sin no more.’ His expression was cold that tears started forming into Chioma’s eyes.                                  

‘Who hired you to do this?’ Chioma tried her best to conceal her fear.                

 ‘First of all, you’re already in our hands and there is no way you can escape.’ He smiled proudly. ‘We are just doing our job. But if you can afford to pay us ten million naira extra, then, we will let you go.’ 

 The money was indeed a large sum, Chioma thought. She wondered who must be so rich to pay these people to torture her. Perhaps, it was a fan? Her relationship hasn’t been announced so it was impossible for a fan to be very generous to pay a large sum for her to be tortured.  She crossed the possibility that a fan had hired these men. No fan would be this generous to do this, knowing it wouldn’t benefit them. Who would have a malicious intent towards me? Jessica was the only one that could pull such a large amount. However, she was in Lagos State. Who actually wanted to ruin her life? Maybe a secret admirer of Michael, or maybe someone that hated her for no reason.               

‘I can tell that you don’t have money just by the cheap clothes you’re wearing even though you must have bought the midnight-snack from a luxury store. I’m sorry; we have no choice than to do this to you. Maybe next time, you stay out of people’s life to avoid problem.’     

The moment I met you (Chapter 265)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu 

‘Quick, we need to save a lady who needs our help. She should be around The Johnsons Filling station,’Stanley told them when he hung up. ‘We need to split. First team, come with me for the rescue whiles the second team, should loop around in case the suspects try to escape.’                                                                                                              

‘Who’s this girl that we are going to save like she is the daughter of the president?’Another police officer murmured. ‘Anyway, I hope this isn’t another random theft.’                                                                           

Sighing, Stanley headed towards The Johnsons Filing station with his own team, the lights and sirens blare to clear out traffic. Stanley wanted to be the hero in Chioma’s heart. Perhaps, she would accept him if he was able to save her. However, he felt deep down that Chioma wouldn’t leave her boyfriend to run to him. So, he would just do his job as a police officer and expect nothing, instead of expecting to be her beau.                                                                            


 ‘Miss, there is no need to run anymore…’a deep voice yelled.                     

Chioma who was already tired from running stopped in her tracks and glanced over at the men who were almost closer to her. Seeing clearly the pistol in one of the men’s hand, Chioma almost passed out. But just like magic which happens in movies, Chioma found herself escaping again from them, but as she was about running into an alley, one of them caught her, blocking her way.                                                               

‘Miss, you are good with running even though you don’t have long straight legs. You could even win Olympic medals…’the man slowly said without emotionless. ‘However, we had to allow you to do some exercise so you will get tired and receive our beating with open arms.’ He glanced around. ‘Thankfully, this place isn’t on GPS…no one will come for your rescue.’          

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...