Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 316)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 Chioma was embarrassed with the attention she was getting from this whole drama. She wanted to escape, but there was no way she could. Just as she was thinking these, Michael reached out and carried her away from the scene as everyone watched.                                     

Chioma shot an embarrassed glance at Chisom who was smiling slightly before she said to Micheal, ‘Let me down. I’m not a baby.’                                                                                                                              

 ‘Don’t say that again,’Michael said domineeringly. ‘They want to write headlines, then, let me make it easy for them.’                                         

The onlookers didn’t stop staring as they left the scene.                                                                                                                             

  Michael put her into his car and drove her to a luxury restaurant. Even though Chioma didn’t want this pampering right now, she couldn’t still help but glance beautifully at the place.                                     

 ‘Michael, I don’t want this.’                                                                               

Michael didn’t listen to her. He carried her up the elegant spiral staircase, and onto the lavished private room in the restaurant. Chioma’s eyes caught at the luxury chandelier hanging from the high ceiling which made the place extremely beautiful.                                                 

Putting Chioma down, the waitress came to welcome them. After a few minutes, they were seated before a large spread of food.                           Michael waited for Chioma to eat to her full before speaking. But it seemed that Chioma wasn’t in the mood to eat. ‘Tell me the truth,’he said after a while.                                                                           

Chioma looked up at him. ‘The truth is…I don’t deserve you.’ She paused. ‘They are right; Jessica is the one that deserves you. I am not even sure if I can move on…’                                                                                     

‘Are you admitting to be in love with Felix as well?’                      

  Chioma didn’t reply. She didn’t know how to start explaining everything to Michael.                                                                                                     

  ‘Was Felix the reason you wanted our relationship to be announced?’                                                                                                                

‘Yes…I have only loved one man since my life. I will never cheat on him. Everything that happened was a misunderstanding, and foolishness on my part. If I had explained everything to you earlier, if I had known you were related to Felix, if I had been brave enough to tell him that I already had a beau, then, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Yes, when I met Audrey I never had a boyfriend. That was the truth, but I know she might see me as a user…I might not have made any vow in church but I will never break the vow that I made in my heart.’                          

‘Does that mean that you love me and not Felix?’                                    

‘You absolutely know the answer to that question.’                           

Michael smiled. ‘Then nothing should change. I will introduce you to my parents on Saturday, then gradually; you will get to know all my family members.’                                                                                

Chioma didn’t say a word. She only stared at him, with the doubts that she would be accepted into the Njemanze family.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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