Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Moment I Met You ( Chapter 333)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

The power was out, so Chioma lit the kerosene lamp before taking her turn in the bathroom after Louisa was done with bathing. When she was done with the warm bath, she wore a pale blue nightdress, and then sat on a chair in the bedroom. Her wet hair looked so beautiful in the lamp light. She had towel-dried her hair, though it wasn’t completely dried up but it was not dripping wet either, the hair fell on her shoulders and framing her face. As Louisa knitted a sweater she noticed that Chioma was in deep thoughts.


‘Do you mind sharing your thoughts with me?’Louisa looked curiously at Chioma.                                                                                            

Chioma sighed. ‘Mum, you already know everything.’                       

  ‘Yes, I know that your love story with Michael has brought hate from people, who think you don’t deserve him,’Louisa paused. ‘I know he loves you but going to the point of not doing business with Jessica’s family, I don’t think it is right.’                                                                        

‘I tried to convince him but he says he will only listen if Jessica apologises to me. I don’t need her apology because for sure she wouldn’t say it from the heart. I just want peace.’                                                                    

‘Peace will only come if you stop your relationship with Michael. But I know that will never happen, so, like in movies, you have to wait to the end of the movie after Jessica dies or changes for real.’               

Chioma was still awake long after Louisa had stopped knitting, put out the lamp and fallen asleep beside her in the bed. Moon was shining into the room through the window. Chioma reached for the window and shut it. As she lay in bed, she remembered the first time she saw Michael and the sweet memories they had shared so far. She also remembered the first day she met Audrey; she had been a lovely, chatty, young lady. But now, Audrey was upset with her, Felix hasn’t called or picked her calls after the incident. She was blamed for being the root cause of Michael and Jessica’s problem.                                                      

She slowly reached for her phone and sent a message in the Whatsapp group chat, for her, Chisom and Audrey.                                             

  ‘Audrey, I am really sorry.’                                                                                     

Chioma waited a while, but no one answered. With no other choice, she had to ring Audrey. Chisom was already asleep that was why she didn’t respond to the message.                                                                   

‘I want to see you Audrey,’Chioma said when Audrey picked up after several rings.                                                                                                                    ‘Do you have a reservation?’Audrey asked coldly.                                    

‘I don’t need that.’                                                                                              

‘I’m sorry; I am a very busy person.’                                                                          

‘Can I come to your home tomorrow?’                                                            

‘No, you can’t come without any reservation. I suggest you call on Felix directly, but unfortunately for you, he will be going on a business trip tomorrow. Moon Corporation has already booked a ticket for him,’Audrey paused, and said again, ‘if you break into my house, you won’t succeed because we have extremely tight security. If you can’t get in through the gate, how in the world would you be able to get to my room or Felix’s?’                                                                          

‘Audrey, please give me the chance to explain myself.’                           

  ‘I don’t think there’s anything we can talk about,’Audrey remained full of pride. ‘I gave you the chance but you abused it. Because of you my brother and cousin are finding it a bit difficult to chat freely because they would be reminded that they are in love with the same woman.’                             


  Before Chioma could speak, Audrey hung up the call. Tears dropped from Chioma’s eyes. She knew that Audrey was mad at her, but she wished that the anger wouldn’t turn out to be like those in movies were the anger leads to everlasting unforgiveness.                                                   

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