Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Moment I Met You ( Chapter 334)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

The following day, Felix woke up to a phone call. When he opened his eyes, the skies were already bright as morning sunlight flooded into his lavish room. The mansion was shimmering under the sunlight. Reaching for his phone, he realised that it was almost 8am. After a few ring, he picked up the phone. It was a call from Peter reminding him of his trip to America and the emergency meeting that he was needed in. it was two hours to his flight, which meant he still have sometime before leaving for the airport.                                                

‘I get it,’Felix said, hanging up and glanced at the clock in his room. Seeing he has some time left, he didn’t rush to get out of bed, instead, he stretched his body luxuriantly. Suddenly, his gaze went to Chioma’s photo which he had used as screensaver in his phone. He couldn’t but look at the picture over and over again. Audrey had sent him the picture.  Though Chioma was wearing a simple blue shirt paired with a messy bun, Felix still found her adorable. His lips curled into a slight smile, reaching out, he caressed the picture lovingly before lowering his head to plant a kiss on her face lightly, careful not to get saliva on his phone screen.                                                        

 Felix loved Chioma so much. Even after she had hurt him by not telling him she had a beau, which was of course, somehow his fault, he still couldn’t stop loving her. But at the same time, he hated her, hated her that she was in love with another man instead of him. He had tried his very best to forget her and yet, he spent sleepless nights thinking about her. He had never loved any woman apart from Chioma. How could he just give her up? How could he watch her in the arms of his cousin? Felix felt like he was in a dilemma, as though he was living in torture. He had accepted to go for this business trip in America, to stop himself from thinking about Chioma. Was love easy to forget about? Felix felt that it was impossible to let go, but he would try his best, perhaps for his brother’s sake.                                                                                                      

The scene of the day he received the news of Michael being Chioma’s beau flashed past his mind but he no longer felt the same pain and heartbreak. Instead, he tried to tell himself that such scene never happened.                                                                                                                 

Later he entered the bathroom. When he was done preparing, he grabbed his already prepared luggage and headed out. Climbing down the stairs, he met Peter in the living room waiting for him. Peter greeted him as soon as he saw him.                                                   

Peter drove Felix to the airport in his black Rolls-Royce before returning to Moon Corporation.                                                                             

Chioma was less busy at work, so she decided to give Felix a call. Pulling out her phone from her bag, she dialed his number.                        

Felix picked up immediately as though he had been expecting her call. Through the phone, she could hear the airplane boarding announcement.                                                                                                            

‘Glad you finally picked my call. I wanted to call you and explain everything to you.’                                                                                            

‘Does that include why you discharged yourself from the hospital without my consent?’                                                                                          

‘Everything,’Chioma sighed. ‘How many days will you be gone?’                                                                                                                                              

‘I’ll probably be back on Saturday after I finish the work here.’                                                                                                                                                          

‘That means you’ll be staying two days in America…’                         

‘You shouldn’t worry about me because you have never worried about me before. I might decide to stay a few weeks or months. That has nothing to do with you.’                                                                             

  ‘I am sorry if you feel disappointed about me…’                                            


When the air hostess came over to remind him to switch off his phone, Felix nodded and finally hung up.                                                                  

Chioma saw that her phone battery was low, so she charged her phone before heading to the kitchen to bring a customer food which was ready to be served. After carrying the tray of food, she was about heading for the dining area when she saw Sharon Ojukwu. She was draping her navy coat over her shoulders instead of putting her arms through the sleeves. She was looking grand in her outfit and in her makeup.


Sharon walked over to Chioma greeted her politely before saying, ‘I am Sharon Ojukwu, Jessica’s best friend, nice to meet you.’                         

Chioma frowned, and looked at her with confusion. ‘Really? Has your friend sent you here to torture me?’ Chioma was expecting a scene full of fighting instead of a friendly handshake.                                                        

Smiling brightly at Chioma, she pointed to a quiet corner. ‘Can we go there for a few seconds chat?’                                                                            

‘Of course.’Chioma led her to the corner close to the counter.          


‘Thank you…Are you really in support of what Michael did to Jessica?’                                                                                                                        Chioma shook her head.                                                                             

‘Then why don’t you do something.’                                                                             

‘My apologies, Miss Sharon, but I can’t play along with what you are asking me to do. My boyfriend did what he had to do to support me, and it is not in my hands to stop what has already happened. I just hope Jessica will stop already with her fighting and everything will eventually be fine.’                                                                                    

‘Everything was fine until you came into Michael’s life. If you hadn’t existed in this world, then, none of these tragedies would have happened.’                                                                                                          

‘So you’re here to tell me that I was the reason why Jessica and Michael isn’t a couple?’Chioma was suspicious. She narrowed her eyes and studied her, feeling that Jessica had sent Sharon to do this.                   

Sharon spread her arms out and shrugged. ‘Jessica should accept her fate…Do you really have feelings for Michael or are you toying with him just like you’re toying with Felix’s feelings?’                                  

Chioma frowned at Sharon. ‘What do you mean by that?’                     

‘These two brothers are surrounded by harem of girls who adore them, yet they don’t love them at all. They left the mighty to fall in love with mice, and this mouse they had chosen is the reason for the crack in their friendship.’                                                                                      

‘You can’t force love.’                                                                                               

‘I am aware…you’re currently on the rise why my bestfriend is coming down.’Sharon looked at Chioma. ‘I have no problems with your relationship with any man you want, but I will have problems with you, if the Njemanze family and Nnaji family don’t restore their business partnership because of you.’                                                                           

  ‘I wish I could help you with this request. However, Michael wouldn’t do anything without a reason. You are close to Michael, so if you love Jessica you can talk to Michael yourself.’                                                                  

‘Chioma, there is this old saying that goes thus; memories are like wine, no matter how much time passes, they both remain fragrant…Michael might be in love with you but he had shared his childhood with Jessica. He might not show it, but he doesn’t hate Jessica as much as you think.’                                                                                              

‘I will be a fool to let my boyfriend hate anyone. Yes, they might have shared childhood together that doesn’t mean they are meant for each other. And I will never hate Michael anytime he tries to reminisce his past. Because, memories are what keep us alive.’                         

Sharon chuckled with disdain, even though she never hated Chioma. ‘I see you must have read fairy tales a lot, I know that you think that what happen in those stories will happen in reality.’                                     

  ‘Well, it is happening. Don’t you see whenever I am weak and in danger, my knight in shining armour would always appear and rescue me from the depth of misery. He is the male protagonist who will appear in the nick of time just like in the novels to save the damsel in distress. In the end, the prince and princess would live happily ever after…just like Michael and me. I have always thought that that line is senseless, but Michael made it all come true,’Chioma said with a smile.  

 ‘Felix saved you before, remember?’                                                               

Chioma didn’t say a word. He had saved her because Michael wasn’t around, but then, she would still never forget his kindness towards her. She was willing to cross the river for him, step into the fire for him. But she would never love him like she loves Michael.

Sharon left the restaurant after talking to Chioma. The moment she sat down in her red Porsche 911, her phone suddenly began to ring. She took out her phone and glanced at the caller.                                        

‘Jess, I don’t think the girl is as naive as you think. I want you to go ahead with the press conference, for the sake of your family…’                       

‘Then after that I will make Chioma’s life a living hell.’                                  

‘The table might turn against you so be careful. Just let it go, Jess. Embrace my brother instead.’                                                                                 

Jessica hung up, not wanting to talk about Nathan. Sharon sighed as she started her car and quickly left.                                                            

Watching the Porsche gradually drive off into the distance, Chioma mumbled, ‘No one knows what crafty ideas are going through Jessica’s mind. I just wish this quarrel between us end soon.’                                                                                                                                                                      


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