Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 338)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                  

It was a glorious sunny Saturday, and just as Michael had promised, he arrived at the Chimas to bring Chioma to the Njemanze Villa. Chioma was still in her purple sleep dress with a mickey mouse on it, she looked adorable.


 Today was Saturday, so she felt that she had to do a thorough house-cleaning before going to work, and just as she was done with it, Michael appeared to pick her up, wearing a dazzling white dress shirt with diamond cuffs, matching trousers, freshly polished shoes. Chioma did not only think, but she believed Michael was the most handsome man in the world.


After bringing him to the sofa, Chioma ran to the kitchen to bring a hot pot of coffee. It seemed she had prepared the coffee just for Michael.                                


‘I will go freshen up,’she said and turned towards the bathroom.


‘Do you like the coffee?’Louisa asked, placing a plate of cake atop the side stool beside him.        


‘Very much,’Michael smiled brightly. Of course he liked the coffee because it was prepared by Chioma. Any man would love anything his woman prepares even if it was sand from Sahara Desert. Michael sipped his coffee. 'I heard you have a son?’                                                                                                                                                        

  ‘Yes, Andrew. He left early to his workplace. He is a mechanic. He has a date with his girlfriend in the evening.’         


 Michael smiled but didn’t say anything.    


'How much do you love my daughter?’Louisa glanced at Michael and asked.                                                                                                                   

‘More than my own life.’


Louisa smiled slightly. She could feel the sincerity in Michael’s voice. She knew he was speaking the truth, but she was afraid his family would want her poor daughter. Michael took a sip leisurely, glancing around at how neat and small the house was. To keep him busy a little, Louisa reached for Chioma’s childhood albums.                                                                                                      

‘Back then, phones were very expensive, and old fashioned photos were popular,’Louisa joked as she handed Michael the album. ‘Maybe, you’ll like to see Chioma’s childhood memory.’                                                            

Michael smiled and took the album from Louisa. He began to watch the photos. He felt that Chioma was cute and adorable even as a child. He watched her graduation photos, she was young and innocent. Most of the photos in the album, he had seen them when he had Robert investigate Chioma.                                                                                                              

Inside the bedroom, Chioma was now wearing an indigo, long-sleeved dress, with a black belt and blue floral shoes. Her hair was tied back away from her face with a single white rose. She was absolutely stunning, though in cheap outfits. She had bought these outfits from a road stall. She didn’t want Michael to buy her any dress to see his parents because she didn’t want to create the impression that she was after Michael’s money neither did she want them to accept her because of the brand clothes. She would have to cut her coat according to her cloth, which was what she did.                                                        

Michael was speechless when he saw Chioma. She was beautiful, and he was proud he made this adoring woman his. Immediately, he put away the album and walked over to Chioma. Louisa excused herself and went to the backyard.                                                                      

‘You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,’Michael whispered.                                                                                                                   

 Chioma’s lovely dimples blushed as she managed to smile up to him.                                                                                                                                      

  Michael’s long and elegant fingers brushed across her cheeks. Lifting her chin, he lowered his head and planted a gentle kiss on her lips, not wanting to ruin her lip balm.                                                            

  ‘I have a present for you to wear. Please, don’t object. It is not about visiting my home. It is a gift I want you to always wear.’                    

 Michael held out a colourful box before her, his face full of tenderness and love.


Chioma smiled up at him. She would always want to see him everyday even without a present. Her heart was too full to speak, but she still was afraid his family wouldn’t accept her.                                                  

‘Go on, open it,’he urged her with a smile.                                              

  It was a bracelet. She was indeed pleased with the beautiful bracelet. ‘Oh, Michael,’she whispered in awe as she held it up. ‘I will admit, this is the best jewellery I have ever had. Thank you so much.’                  

  ‘Not as best as you,’he grinned. ‘Let me put it on you. This bracelet is made by Moon Corporation.’ Michael unclasped the bracelet and carefully put it on Chioma. ‘This bracelet was designed by me for you.’                                                                                                                                            

Chioma couldn’t stop admiring him. She was just a lowly woman, yet this kingly man had to design this bracelet for her. In the middle of the golden bracelet was a crown encrusted with white diamond. Chioma could see that on the two sides of the crown were two stars made from white gemstone. There was her initial and that of Michael also in a pure and immaculate white gemstone. She wondered what message Michael was trying to pass.                                                              

‘I am going to protecting you forever. That’s because you are precious to me,’Michael said, answering her thought.                                              

Chioma elegantly raised her arm, looking at the bracelet sparkling magnificently, she said, ‘I will always be yours.’ She smiled at him. ‘But please, how about we reschedule the meeting for another time. I didn’t get anything for your mum. I had thought of what to buy and didn’t find any because she already has everything. So, if we reschedule our meeting, I might think of a memorable thing to gift your mum.’                                                                                                                                  

  ‘I know it is imperative to build a good relationship with my mum but I assure you that I am the one that should get the gift because I am the one taking you there…Don’t bother about what to give to my mum. You have lined up opportunities for that.’                                                   

Chioma opened her mouth wanting to speak but in the end, was suppressed by Michael’s handsome glare so she didn’t dare utter another word knowing he has made up his mind. She felt that even though Michael’s mother had an extraordinarily honourable status, she still felt that the entire mothers in the world still shared similar taste. Majority of them would appreciate a neat, clean and well behaved girl. But will Patricia love Chioma? Will she be impressed at the sight of her?                                                                                                                              

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