Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 339)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

In few minutes they arrived at the Njemanze Villa. Michael got out of the gold Lamborghini as well as Chioma. He took her hand and led her in.                                                                                                                        

‘You’re so foolish,’Patricia muttered under her breath when she saw Michael holding Chioma’s hand. Then, she strode over and hugged Michael, kissing him on the forehead, before turning to Chioma, giving her a pat. It was obvious Patricia didn’t like Chioma.                                 

Patricia had thought that even though her son dumped Jessica that he would go for classy, socialite girl. However, Patricia was disappointed. Jessica was right, Patricia thought. This girl wasn’t blessed with a face that could stop time, nor was her body anything to awe at. She was really nothing to look at, especially compared to a beautiful woman like Jessica. Was Michael being bewitched? Even her clothes weren’t eye-catching-other than a young, clean appearance, there was nothing out of the ordinary. And most of all, she was very poor, from a filthy slums. How am I going to manage this slummy girl?            


Chioma looked at the house in awe. She remembered reading about Njemanze Villa from a magazine, about the European style building, about a famous designer from Europe hired to design it so as to suite the taste of the family. Could this really be a European style building or American style? Chioma thought. Anyway, she wasn’t good with knowing the style of building, but then, she truly admired this breathtaking villa. She would really like the opportunity to tour the house, but she can’t ask Michael to tour the house with her, because she could feel that she wasn’t wanted in the house. The furnishings of the house were the kind one wouldn’t stop praising. She had only seen such house in a foreign movie.


 ‘Son can we talk for a minute,’Edward said as he walked down the stairs in his casual black suit.                                                                                 

Michael glanced over at his father, then back to Chioma. ‘I will be back in a jiffy.’                                                                                                                 

Chioma nodded with a smile. Anyone would know that the man was Michael’s father, judging from their striking resemblance. Although, Edward was going on in age anyone that saw him would know he had been every woman’s dream during his prime.


Michael kissed her forehead, and then turned to leave. Chioma was now left alone with Patricia; she wondered whether Patricia would use this opportunity to fire her arrow at her. Chioma held her bag tightly as she smiled nervously at Patricia who was facing her. She wished Michael would hurry up and come back to her side. She could see Patricia studying her silently and intently, and Chioma found it extremely uncomfortable.


‘I am glad to have finally met you in person,’Chioma said in an attempt to start a conversation, smiling lovingly at Patricia. ‘You’re so beautiful.’                                                                                                                                    

Chioma had only seen Patricia in magazines and newspapers; she had always looked the picture of elegance in every dress she wore. But seeing this woman in person made Chioma looked at her in admiration. She was very beautiful in real life than in the media. But then, Chioma wished Patricia would accept her for her son. First impression matters, so Chioma want to make this her first visit here a memorable one. Patricia didn’t smile, and she seemed very disapproving, looking at her with an obvious unwelcome visit.                                   

  ‘What actually do you love about my son, his money or beauty?’Patricia said coldly. ‘And you should have more sense not to have accepted a man that already had a fiancée.’                                                   

Chioma was surprised at Patricia’s attitude towards her. But she said nothing and only smiled up at her.                                                                       

As Patricia offered no comment about Chioma’s praise of her, Chioma tried another luck. ‘This house is so beautiful. It looks like a palace, it might even surpass Buckingham palace,’she said. I like it.’         

‘Yes, we live in a beautiful house. But it’s unfortunate as you won’t share from it,’Patricia retorted sharply. ‘Jessica is the only woman that I will accept for my son.’                                                              

Chioma smiled, wondering how such a beautiful, classy woman with all the trappings of this world could be so annoying.                            

‘I hope to get a tour in this house,’Chioma said. ‘Even if I don’t have the chance to come here again, I could take pictures of it which will serve as a memorabilia.’                                                                          

At this Patricia pursed her lips. ‘I wish you don’t dream too much. My son would end up with a woman of his class and not a cheat like you. Not only did you deceive my son but you also deceived Felix. Girls like you who live in dark filthy slums should go for lowly men of the same class.  Don’t dream of being a princess that you will never be.’       


  ‘Mum, I see you have turned into a big talkative lately,’Michael said as soon as he came downstairs. ‘This was your plan with dad to interrogate Chioma while I was away.’                                              


‘Oh, son, you’re here,’Patricia gasped, putting her hands up in her mouth as if deeply in shock. ‘I was only having a normal conversation with Chioma.’ Her voice was full of ridicule.                                  

‘Mum, how could you leave my guest standing? You could have offered her a seat.’Michael’s tried to conceal his anger.                                          

Chioma glanced at Michael. ‘It’s okay, Michael. I love standing,’she smiled.                                                                                                                   

Patrica wanted to say, I didn’t offer her a seat because she came from the slums, instead she said, ‘I was wrapped with her amazing stories that I forgot seats do exist in this world.’                                                     

  ‘Can I hear the stories?’ Michael was no fool, he could clearly sense that his mother detest Chioma. Why else would she ask her so many random questions before giving her a seat?                                             

Patricia grinned. ‘I was a little bit thrilled with her poverty story.’Patricia’s words carried layers of meaning which Michael and Chioma understood very well.                                                                                       

   ‘Food is ready,’the butler came and informed them.                           

‘We will talk more at the dining,’Patricia said to Chioma as they turned towards the dining.                                                                                          

The dining was well furnished and modern. Money was of course pouring, nothing was lacking for the family. There were large spreads of delicious dishes at the dining table, just like the ones severed in high-end western restaurants.


‘What did your father die of?’Patricia asked Chioma as they sat down to eat. Edward joined them after about ten seconds.                              

‘He had an accident,’Chioma said, eating her fried rice. She was trying her best not to irritate Michael’s parents by her poor way of eating.


Chioma hadn’t had such a lavish meal in her entire life. As she ate, she kept sneaking glances at them. She saw that, all of them ate with immaculate table manners unlike her who most of the time ate without grace. She was a foodie that never watched about her image.                                                                                                                                       

  Michael didn’t mind his parents; he kept putting food on Chioma’s plate. This was something Michael hadn’t done for Jessica before. This particular scene irritated Patricia.                                                                   

‘And your mother?’                                                                               

‘She sells fruits in the market.’                                                                                      

‘I understand she is a fruit vendor.’                                                                            

Chioma was a little pleased that Patricia wanted to know all about her. She wished that her irritating character was just a show off.                                 

‘And your brother?’                                                                                           

‘He is a mechanic, and I am a waitress at Star Restaurant.’                                   

‘Oh, the popular poor restaurant, your presence had turned that place into a gossipy inn. If you didn’t turn into a big time cheat, you would have had a peaceful life. But your attitude is putting your family in danger.’                                                                                                                                     

  ‘Mum,’Michael rebuked his mother. ‘Don’t be so annoying.’           

‘How annoying is your mum, she is trying to know the kind of woman you decided to choose instead of Jessica.’Edward shot Michael a cold glance.                                                         


‘I am thrilled that my son loves this girl despite status gap,’Patricia said mockingly. ‘But I don’t think I will like her.’                                 

Chioma smiled awkwardly at such chilly words that she said nothing and picked up the glass wine before her and managed to take a sip.                     

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