Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I met You (Chapter 340)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                    

‘Mum, please…’Michael stared coldly at his mother.                          

Patricia chuckled. ‘You never treated Jessica with such tenderness, no?’                                                                                                                 

‘I never had a thing with Jessica.’                                                                             

‘But you do have a thing with this woman who also has a thing with Felix?’Patricia spat out.


  ‘Patricia, you know that rich people are known to change women as the change clothes, so when our son is done with Chioma, he will go for the woman of our family standard.’Edward spoke while taking a glance at Chioma who was sitting next to Michael.                                

Edward had known Michael's personality; anyone could say Michael was aloof, unsociable, eccentric, haughty and even someone that abhorred women who got close to him, which were all obvious facts noticed by anyone that had come in contact with him. Edward had seen Patricia plotting numerous solutions to making Michael have at least a little emotional connection with Jessica who was close but all her efforts failed. She didn’t succeed with Jessica who was Michael’s childhood friend, so how would she succeed with any girl?                               

   But today, Michael actually has a woman he was madly in love with and even brought her to the house! Not only was it shocking to him, it seemed everyone, including the servants were also in disbelief.                                                        

   Edward knew his son was in love with Chioma, but then, he wouldn’t easily accept this girl because he felt that her poor status would ruin the glory of the Njemanze name.  He had wanted Michael to fall in love with Jessica who was elegant and sophisticated, but no, he fell in love with this lowly woman who was unknown.                                                 

Worst of it all was that, by an appearance she wasn’t at all compatible with Michael. Yes, she has a unique presence that could captivate her surroundings, but Edward still felt that that alone wasn’t enough for Chioma to be with his son.


‘Father!’Michael was furious with Edward. He wasn’t surprised anyway, he knew that this kind of thing would happen, but then, he still felt it was right to bring Chioma over for his parents to see.


‘Uh, oh, son, you don’t have to waste your time and money on girls that would make you start from the scratch.’                                    


‘I was hoping to find a good job someday,’Chioma said hopefully.       


  ‘When, how, where? Don’t tell me that you’re dreaming for Michael to find you a space at our company.’Patrica curled her lips. ‘You’re definitely poor. Don’t be greedy and thank GOD for making you poor. Poor men pursue poor women, and poor women for poor men. Stop making up this rich girl poor boy story.’                                                                             

Chioma couldn’t take it anymore. She put her spoon on her plate. ‘I’m full,’she said, trying to conceal the tears that were threatening to flow down her cheeks.                                                                                     

Patricia folded her arms across her chest and pursed her lips. ‘I’ve never heard such a thing about poor girls not finishing their food and licking their plates…Go ahead and finish your food. We still have to talk about my precious daughter-in-law whom you have brought nothing but ridicule upon.’                                                                                          

‘Mum, dad, am not asking any of you to accept Chioma I am only doing what is right by bringing her over. None of you can stop our relationship, and if any of you get in the way, then consider me as a stranger.’                                                                                                                                              

Silence fell, and Chioma knew that this was perhaps the beginning of family war. Why would she be the reason for such? She rose to her feet.                                                                                                                    

  ‘Thank you Sir Edward, thank you Ma’am Patricia for the meal,’Chioma said and bowed respectfully. ‘I’ll go ahead.’                                              

‘I am coming with you,’ he said and without even turning to look at his parents, Michael rose too and followed her out, not listening to his mother’s plea for him not to go with her.                                                                

‘I’m sorry mum was harsh with you,’Michael said softly to Chioma as they drove out of the compound. ‘I don’t understand why. Was it wrong to fall in love?’                                                                                         

Chioma glanced at him, her eyes filled with tears that were already streaming down her face. She was deeply hurt with the way his parents had treated her.                                                                                     

   ‘Chioma, I am sure that a day will come when my parents would love you.’                                                                                                                     

‘They won’t get the chance,’Chioma said through her tears and meaning it. ‘I wouldn’t go to your luxurious house anymore even if you paid me to. Your parents were hateful, Michael. They have already chosen Jessica for you. I don’t want to be the reason for the Njemanze family civil war. Everyone already thought I am a user, I don’t want another unpleasant scene to happen because of me.’                                                      

Even though she wasn’t surprised about his parent’s attitude towards her, she had also looked forward to this day, not wanting it to go wrong. She wanted her visit to be a memorable one, and not like this.                                                                                                                                                 Michael found a place and parked the car, and he stepped down. Chioma wondered why he had suddenly stopped. Michael came over to the passenger seat; he pulled Chioma out of the car and held her tightly until she stopped crying. ‘I meant what I said earlier,’he whispered. ‘I love you, Chioma. If it comes to the point were I have to choose between you and my parents, then, I will rather choose to be a stranger to them, and be with you forever.’                                                                 

‘Yes, you’ll choose me over your family, but would you be able to live with that? I can’t live with the fact that the man I love the most in this world turned his back on his family because of me.’ Chioma leaned her head against his shoulder wearily. ‘Yes, your parents made me angry, but you will make me angrier if you turn your back on them. I beg you to please, don’t hate your parents. I don’t want to be the reason for that.’                                                                                                                          

Michael stroked her hair gently. ‘I know they are my parents but you’re very important to me. I won’t watch them treat you badly.’ Chioma felt miserably with Patricia’s attitude towards her. She wondered why rich folks were always disagreeable especially towards their children’s choice of partner. They would always want their rich children to also end up with partners of the same high standard.                   

She might be wearing cheap outfit, but she had forked out money to buy these outfits and wanted to make a good impression, and right now, she felt that with Patricia’s attitude, she had wasted money. But Michael kept cuddling her, whispering his genuine and sincere love, until the anger and hurt began to fade.                                                                                     

‘Don’t bring me home yet,’Chioma begged as they got into the car. ‘It’s not evening yet. We can look around or even take a walk at the park. I just want to spend a little time with you before going home.’ 


Michael started the car, and he drove slowly through the traffic, heading for the Millennium Park, Michael told her stories that made her happy and she laughed.                                                                                      

No doubt, Chioma knew that Michael loves her so much. Knowing this gave her overwhelming joy.                                                                          

‘When you cry you turn ugly and become a pig,’he teased Chioma.                                                                                                                                          

Chioma laughed. ‘I cry for love,’she pouted.                                          

Michael couldn’t help but laugh at what she said. ‘With such kind of ugly cry, no director will accept you into their drama because with your crying face on the screen the movie will not reach box office.’           

Reaching the refreshing park, they held hands as they took a walk at the beautifully designed walkway, which had glimmering green grass on each side. The gentle breeze caressed their hair gently.                      

Then, they lay in the sun, happy and rested as they face each other, staring into each other’s heart and soul. They weren’t saying anything, but they understood what was going through each other’s mind. It was a feeling of eternal love which was and will be unbreakable.                                                                                                                    

‘I heard that this Millennium Park was inaugurated by Queen Elizabeth,’Chioma broke the silence.                                                                                   

  ‘Yes, but we are not here to talk about Queen Elizabeth, but us.’Michael was smiling and his eyes twinkled.                                                                      Chioma blushed.                                                                           

  ‘You look so beautiful,’he whispered. ‘I get a lump in my throat just looking at you.’                                                                                                           

Chioma blushed again, covering her face with her hands. She didn’t believe she was beautiful, because she knew that she didn’t match up with Jessica in anyway. She was just a plain looking girl while Jessica was breathtaking- the difference in beauty was obvious. But then, beauty the say was in the eyes of the beholder.                                                

Everyone who had visited the park seemed to have a smile on their face, spending time with their loved ones while appreciating the lush environment.                                                                                                                         

Chioma’s eyes sparkled, as they lay on the grass cuddling and kissing, as well as other couples at the park. A band was playing, entertaining the people at the park. The song was a soft deep blue love song composed by the band. Children fed the birds and played hide and seek around the trees. Some brought their dogs to the park for a walk.               

‘I knew you were meant for me when I first saw you,’Michael murmured, looking at the birds that were close to them. ‘My heart never stopped beating.’                                                                                               

Michael smilingly turned to her cupping her face in his hands, and his eyes were filled with tenderness.                                                

‘I felt the same too.’                                                                                           

Michael grinned, then, kissed her again. ‘I love you so much, Chioma.’                                                                                                                                                 

Chioma knew without any doubt that what she felt for him when she first met him was love too. But then, with series of things happening, she doubted if she would have the chance to be with him in the future. She was afraid that her family might take turns to be in danger. She remembered Sharon telling her to ask Michael to withdraw what he had said about Moon Corporation not doing business again with Nnaji group. If she could talk to Michael, maybe he will listen to her. But, Michael was happy, and she didn’t want to spoil the day by telling him about Jessica.                                                                                                                   

‘Your mum was right. I am a cheat,’she blurted. ‘I should have told you Felix had a crush on me but I didn’t say anything.’                                

‘It wasn’t your fault,’he said, kissing her on the nose. ‘It’s okay for him to have a crush on you; I know you wouldn’t leave me for him. I sincerely trust you.’                                                                                                              

Chioma’s head was telling her, break up with him now before her family encounter danger due to her relationship with him. But she couldn’t. She was deeply in love with him, and wouldn’t feel happiness if she broke up with him. Besides, she wouldn’t want the tender look to fade away from his face. This man ignored his prestigious status just to be here with her. She doesn’t need anyone to tell her that Michael was willing to give up everything and be with her.                                  

‘What are you thinking?’Michael looked at her and asked.                            

‘Jessica, I am thinking about her,’Chioma lowered her head and said. ‘I was thinking maybe you could retract your statement.’                                    Michael furrowed his brows. ‘She hurts you so much. I can’t and won’t tolerate that.’                                                                                                        

Chioma looked at him. ‘I love you so much, Michael. But I don’t want to be the reason for your downfall. I want to see you maintain your status. I want your business to always be on top. I want you to always have all you desire…please; I know you love me so much. But, consider your relationship with the Nnajis, and retract that statement. I don’t need her open apology. She doesn’t need to organise a press conference to apologise to me… Maybe, if Jessica hurts me again, then I won’t stand in your way, I promise.’  

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