Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 341)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                  

‘Only this once, but if she hurts you again…’                                                         

Before he could finish his statement, Chioma put one finger on his sexy thin lips. She wanted him to kiss her and promise her that he would do what she had requested for. Then, Michael kissed her on the lips gently, and finally he wrapped his arms around her and she felt safe from all her worries and danger that she felt was lurking around.           


Somewhere too, in the streets of Abuja, Daniel and Audrey was enjoying their afternoon stroll together. They went to shops, trying fancy hats, making each other happy as they pulled faces. They tried different hats, took selfies, they ate different snacks from different stalls. They told each other stories, and they laughed at the funny stories.                                                                                                                                               

‘Audrey, you’re bright and beautiful,’Daniel said to her as they ate ice cream while taking a stroll. ‘I am sorry for not being a good boyfriend.’    


Bright sunshine made the scene so much beautiful that anyone would love to fall in love. Audrey was so happy this afternoon that she felt she shouldn’t have given him a silent treatment.                                             

‘I am sorry too,’she said. ‘I shouldn’t have quarreled with you.’                                                                                                                                        

  ‘It was lovers quarrel,’Daniel chuckled. Then, he stopped in his tracks, turning his head to look at her blushing face. ‘Can I?’ 

Audrey nodded shyly, understanding what he meant.                            

Leaning down, he kissed her for the first time, drawing her into his arms at a hidden corner, and he held her so tight for so long, and at this moment, Audrey felt nothing but safe in his arms.                                        

‘I had a girlfriend before,’Daniel murmured, looking into her eyes. ‘We broke up because she was cheating on me. I didn’t love her as much as I love you. I just saw her as a woman I could just marry to give my parents grandchildren. In that moment when we broke up, I wanted a woman, so I confessed to Chioma, though I knew she was already in love with Michael. It was that day that I confessed to her that Michael forcibly made her his woman. They had loved each other the moment they met. I had loved her as my little sister. She has always been a good girl, and I could have kept her as my girlfriend if she didn’t fall in love with Michael.’He paused to look at her, as if reading her mind. ‘But then, when I first saw you, I saw love. With you, I know the true meaning of love. I used to think that love was only true in movies, which are not for real. But when I found you I knew that true love do exist… I love you, Audrey Njemanze.’ He released her from his arms, looking into her beautiful dark eyes. Then, he glanced at her dark flowing long hair whih cascaded all the way down her back. He didn’t want to take his eyes off from her hair, for she had the most beautiful hair he had ever seen.


 ‘I love you, too.’ Just as Audrey said that, music flowed onto the street, soothing the atmosphere between the two perfectly well. Audrey loved the music so much that she couldn’t help but wrap her arms around his broad shoulders, hugging him tightly.


  ‘Audrey, you’re so beautiful. I am so glad that you’re mine, Daniel whispered.’


‘I like the way you always call me Audrey,’ Audrey smiled sweetly. She was really beautiful and looked graceful in her belted blush rose-printed dress, which she had paired with black espadrilles, and a rattan clutch.


  ‘If you like it, I will always call you Audrey. It’s a noble and beautiful name- just right for a noble and beautiful woman like you…’ He paused and added with a joke, which he meant. ‘You’re more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn…I will always make you the happiest woman in the world.’                 


‘I know you will, Daniel,’ Audrey said, leaning against Daniel’s side as his strong arm circled her waist.


 It was the best feeling in the world to have the man of your dreams see you as the most important person in the world. She felt she wanted to sing and laugh, for she was so happy-the happiest girl in the world.


  Daniel’s heart was filled with butterflies. This was his first time of kissing Audrey. Then, he held Audrey’s hand in his as they walked on. Neither of them talked again but they kept smiling at the thought of sharing this wonderful day together.                       


 After spending a lovely day together, they hailed a taxi and headed homeward. Daniel asked the driver to head to Diamond Gardens first and drop Audrey before taking him home.     


 As soon as the taxi pulled in front of the gates of Diamond Gardens, Audrey stepped out.                                                                               

  ‘Thank you for today,’Audrey said, smiling.                                                 

Daniel stepped out from the car and asked the driver to wait for him, and then turning to Audrey, he took both her hands. ‘When can I see you again?’                                                                                                                         

‘Whenever you like, Daniel. I am all yours.’ Audrey didn’t mind sounding too forward. She always wanted to spend time with him.           


Daniel smiled, feeling happy and satisfied with her statement. ‘I don’t want to hold you too long. Go in.’                                               

Audrey nodded, turning as she headed towards the gate. He waited till she was inside, before boarding the taxi again.

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