Friday, December 24, 2021

The Moment I Met You (Chapter 371)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Without waiting for her opinion, Michael took her over to Chanel counter, and pointed, ‘She likes that one, that one, that one, that one…could you please wrap up all the bags that I pointed.’ Michael looked down at Chioma and asked, ‘Is there any bag you would like to add in the collection?’                                                   

Chioma didn’t nod nor shook her head. In fact she was in daze. She never had thought of clearing a store before. She was afraid many people would think that she was with Michael because of his money. He had pointed at every good-looking bag in his sight, he was so fast. How was she going to use all of them?                    

Michael patted her shoulder and said gently, ‘I know that you are not with me because of my money. You love me very much, that’s why.’                                                                                                        

Chioma slowly looked up at him, her eyes filled with joy. She was glad he knew that she was with him because she loves him and not because of his money. Michael pulled out his card out ready to pay. Then, he looked over at the shop assistant and said, ‘Go to other brand stores and fetch bags of different colours.’                       

The shop assistant nodded and went ahead to other luxury counters, selected beautiful new models bags… she came back with a handful of bags.

She could see that he was obviously really tired, and yet he still forced himself to go shopping with her. At this thought, Chioma felt guilt engulf her, she felt as though she was selfish to have agreed to go shopping with him, instead of insisting that he rested. She wouldn’t mind watching him sleep, instead of seeing the exhaustion on his face.                                                                                       

Chioma glanced at the pile of beautiful packaged bags before pointing to the pink bag. ‘I only want this one, ‘Chioma whispered to Michael.                                                                                     

Michael frowned and turned to look at her. ‘No, we are not returning them. Throw them away if you want.’He said in a tone that brooked no objection. ‘You are my woman I want you to have the best, so we are not returning them.’                                          

Chioma bit down on her lip and turned to Robert, ‘Please, help me return them.’                                                                                          

‘I’m sorry, but you deserve them…’Robert said even though he felt the bags were too much. He could see that Michael was ready to empty the entire store for her.                                                                  

Michael held onto Chioma’s hand tightly, staring into her face, he said, ‘Don’t feel guilty about it…it’s fine to be on headlines, it’s common for people like us to have scandals once in a while,’Michael reassured, making it sound like nothing. There were paparazzi around, taking photos of them shopping together. ‘As soon as the entertainment news comes out, Jessica and her scheme will go down. Only us…just we will be in the news. Didn’t I tell you that I will give them a blowing-slap?’                                    

‘Even so…buying these things…I can’t use them all…you haven’t even rested after such tiring meeting in Port Harcourt.’ She turned her face away, feeling guilty as well as afraid of what people would say.                 

 ‘Yes, I feel tired but now that I am with you my fatigue seems to be chased away.’                                                                                   

  Chioma lifted her gaze and looked at his handsome face, before she could react, Michael lowered his head and tenderly, kissing her. The kiss went on and on. Even though Michael was aware of paparazzi around, he didn’t seem to care. He was with the woman he loved, the woman that he cherishes the most in the world. How then would he be ashamed to kiss her in front of everyone?                                                                                                              

  Chioma couldn’t even resist him. Her entire mouth was filled with his scent, and it was dominating, causing her to be unable to escape. But when she suddenly remembered the paparazzi around, her eyes went wide as she saw many of them sneakily taking photos of them. Hurriedly, she tried to push Michael away. She really wanted to resist, but she couldn’t summon any strength. Or better put, her body was just being honest about not wanting to push him away and wanted him and his unique fragrance to be forever hers. So she only manage to whisper, ‘Michael…they are taking photos…’                                                            

   ‘Let them, ‘Michael said, not worried about them.                            

  Robert was now seated on a sofa drinking coffee with a smile on his face. His boss was happy, he could feel and see it. Love was something that doesn’t look on status, age, religion or even education. It was something that comes naturally, causing people to act foolishly sometimes. It was good and exciting to fall in love, Robert thought.   

 ‘The entertainment news will surely blow up,’Robert muttered as the kissing scene continued.                                                       

Chioma slapped his shoulder, begging for him to let her go. Slowly, Michael released her, and the two of them breathing roughly.  Compared to Chioma, Michael was much calmer, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a smirk. Then, he reached out to caress her messy hair, tugging a strand behind her ear as he spoke softly, ‘I wanted to kiss you like this the moment I met you…’                                           

Chioma’s beautiful lashes fluttered, not daring to meet his gaze.

‘We still have more shopping to do,’Michael said grabbing onto her hand; he led her to other stores.                                        

Robert quickly stood up after the intimate moment was over and asked, ‘What else are we emptying?’                                                            

‘Get the bags,’Michael said.                                                                    

Robert picked up the bags, complaining silently as he trailed behind.                                                                                                             

Michael turned to another store, buying everything in sight. He didn’t want her opinion. Chioma tried to reason with him by telling him how she wouldn’t need them, Michael didn’t listen to her, and Robert only obeyed Michael’s instructions, thereby, ignoring her objections. Her pleadings were of no use because Michael wouldn’t listen to her.                       

Michael pointed to a pink floral dress. Turning to Chioma, he asked, ‘Which colour do you prefer?’ Chioma didn’t respond. Michael smiled, then turned to the shop assistant, and said, ‘Get every colour the dress came in.’                                                                   

The shop assistant nodded and immediately she started packaging the dresses.                                                                                    

   Robert stared anxiously at Michael; my boss is running crazy today but so dashing at the same time. Maybe I will have to change my face to Chioma.   Love is indeed stupid, he thought.                        

‘My feet is hurting,’Chioma improvised a lie, trying to make Michael feel pity and stop buying more things for her. She was wearing a comfortable pair of shoes.                              

 Michael heard what she said but didn’t turn to glance at her because he felt she was lying. Yes, Chioma was lying, but then his face couldn’t help but taint with worry.

After there shopping ended by almost four-thirty in the evening, there were so many things to carry, Michael turned to Robert and said, ‘Find a way to carry them over to Chioma’s house. I am going on a perfect date with her.’                                              

Robert complained but Michael didn’t seem to mind. Instead he glanced around, spotting a bench in the lounge, he took her over there, and he laid Chioma to it, then, he casually bent down in front of her, removed her black flats, and grabbed onto her slim and tender feet. Chioma wondered what Michael was going to do to her legs.                                                        

‘Please, stop Michael,’Chioma pleaded, threatening to burst into tears. 

‘Everyone is watching. I don’t think I can handle the scandal.’                                                                                                            

‘Did you say your feet were in pain?’Michael said with a smile as he began to message her feet.                                                               

You annoying handsome boyfriend…can’t you sense the fact that I was lying? My feet aren’t in any pain…Chioma said in her head. Must you massage my feet in the middle of the mall? I will give you a dressing-down later…                                                                            

Michael lifted his head to glance at her. ‘I know you cannot do anything to me. Instead of cursing at me in your little head, stay quiet and let me massage your feet.’Michael’s words were calming at the same time it had a forceful aura.

  Chioma was shocked at how he knew she was cursing at him. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Instead, she rolled her eyes at him, and then gradually, she began to smile.                                                                                                               

  Just then, she saw paparazzi hiding behind a wall taking photos of them. They were focusing there cameras more on Michael who was massaging her feet. She immediately glanced at Michael. He was smiling sweetly. It was at this moment that she finally understood Michael’s actions. She couldn’t stop the smile of gratitude that blossomed on her face.                                                            

Firstly, he had kissed her in front of everyone, and now he happily massaged her feet. His motive was to let paparazzi snap photos of them, that way, the world will know that she was the one that he loves and not Jessica. Michael could have taken down the news of Jessica lying to everyone that he was going to marry her. But he didn’t, instead he chose this blowing-slap method of his, which was romantic.                                                            

  ‘Michael thanks,’Chioma said to him.                                                                 

‘Mmm,’Michael nodded. ‘You will still have to pay for this.’                         

Chioma didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. ‘How much do I need to pay?’                                                                                                    

‘I will have to carry you, that’s your pay. Chioma shyly nodded without objecting.

 Michael picked up the shoes and slowly stood up. Instead of helping her put on her shoes, he carried her bridal-style, and headed to the elevator, causing people to clap and cheer as well as take pictures of them.                                                                                     

Meanwhile, Robert with the help of a few security guards of the mall carried the trolleys to the vehicle Robert had arranged for. The trolleys were so packed to the brim, that the stuffs inside kept flowing out. The security guards kept stopping to pick items that fell out from the trolleries. Then, they reached the truck and shoved the stuffs into it. Robert started the truck and drove to Chioma’s house to deliver them.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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