Monday, February 8, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 115)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu    

Seeing the sight, Michael glanced at Robert who was taking water from the water dispenser. ‘When did I turn into a pig? Was I born in the year of the pig?’                                                 

‘Sir Felix asked me to order different dishes.’Robert raised his hand in protest. ‘You ask him yourself.’                                             

As if on cue, Felix walked in a pale blue cashmere coat, looking dashing like Michael. The both wore an outfit that was quite refreshing to the eye. Robert wore a casual white suit, looking handsome, too. But he was not as breathtaking as Michael and Felix.

‘I did ask him to order the whole store,’ Felix said half- jokingly as he pulled off his jacket. He handed it to Robert who took it and hung it on the hangar by a corner. ‘Let’s dig in.’ Felix sat down and began to eat.                                

Michael said nothing and quietly sat down to eat.

‘Robert, we’re not pigs. So join us.’ Felix offered a soft invitation.                                                                                                               

Robert smiled, and then he sat down to eat with them.         

When the meal was over and the office cleaned up, Felix returned to his new well furnished- luxurious office while Michael went to the window. Seeing the bustling cars outside the windows, Michael thought of Chioma and the scene of yesterday flashed in his eyes.   But it was soon interrupted by Robert who gestured at him to sign the documents he had placed on his desk.                                 

Michael walked over to his desk, picked up a fountain pen from his pen holder and began to stylishly sign the documents after examining them.     

The moment I met you (Chapter 114)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu    

I know you might think twice about the gifts. But believe you me, I am sincere about gifting those things to you… you deserve more. Can you be my friend? I know you already have Chisom as your bestie… I want to be your friend too                                                                                         

Chioma was touched to read these words from Audrey. She folded it and and placed it back into the box. Andrew didn’t say anything but he knew Audrey wasn’t a bad person.                   

‘Try it on,’Andrew said.                                                                            

‘I shouldn’t yet…until I take a bath.’                                                      

‘It doesn’t matter. Try the jacket. I want to see you in it.’           

Then, Chioma stood up, and slipped the jacket on. The sleeves were long. She buttoned the cuffs.                                               

Andrew whistled. ‘How beautiful you look! Just like a movie star.’                                                                                                               

Chioma similed, and pulled off the jacket. She carefully folded it and put it back inside the box. Then, carrying the three boxes, she headed for her room.                                           

Dressed in a Versace grey suit, Michael selected a black Maybach from their spacious garage and drove to Moon Corporation. Not eating breakfast at their house, he took out his mobile phone and rang Robert to buy breakfast.                              

Arriving the office, Michael was greeted with a lavish breakfast placed on the coffee table.                                 

The moment I met you (Chapter 113)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu   

‘Big brother Andrew, when did you become a pervert?’                      

Andrew chuckled. ‘Are you not my sister? Can’t I joke with you a little?’He pinched her cheek lovingly and her face flushed red. ‘I’m sorry. I know it’s your intimate clothing and shouldn’t be held in a guy’s hand.’                                                                                                                    

Chioma’s face flushed with redness a she put the box away.                                  

‘Do you like it?’ Andrew asked teasingly.                                               

Chioma smiled bashfully. She wouldn’t answer, but she truly liked the laced panties. They were from the same Dior.                                          

The third box, she carefully opened it to see a white jacket. She lifted it up, then took a sleeve of the jacket and held it up.                                   

‘Wow! They buttons on the jacket are bones…that friend of your must be Miss Moneybags. Can I be her beau?’ Andrew said half-jokingly.                                                           

Chioma raised her eyebrows. ‘Would you dare abandon Chisom because of money?’                                                                                 

‘I wouldn’t do that.’                                                                                 

‘I know. I was only teasing you.’ Chioma held the jacket to her face, admiring the jacket.                                                                                 

‘The colour suits you,’said Andrew. And then, when Chioma didn’t answer, he asked, ‘You like it, right?’                                                               

‘Of course. But- I don’t know what her motives are.’                            

Andrew sighed slightly. ‘You’re right. No one will give gifts extravagantly like this for no reason. I don’t believe in free lunch...’                            

‘Maybe, this has answer to it all.’ Chioma saw a note, neatly folded inside the box. She picked it up and read it aloud;  

The moment I met you (Chapter 112)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu   

 Andrew rolled his eyes. ‘Then, we’ll die together.’                                

‘Andrew, how could you say that? I don’t want to spoil the box.’ Chioma pouted her mouth.                                                                                         

‘It doesn’t matter.’                                                                                             

‘No,’said Chioma. ‘It’s so pretty…’ She removed the lid, and was suprised to see an exquisite-white rose pattern dress, folded neatly inside the box. She gazed at it for a moment without a word, then, as if reluntantly, she caught hold of the dress and lifted it up. ‘Andrew…’                         

‘The dress is beautiful. I’m sure it must have cost a fortune.’Andrew walked over and sat down next to Chioma.  

‘As they say, it’s good to be rich.’                                                                   

‘What brand?’                                                                                          

‘Look.’ She pointed. ‘It’s Dior.’                                                                 

Andrew glanced at the luxury- brand name printed on the box. ‘But, I wonder how she was able to buy the dress?’                                

‘How else, if not shopping online. She could have shopped it from a luxurious shopping mall here in Nigeria. Chisom told me that orders could be made to biggest brands from overseas. And they would use private planes to send the items to their customers. According to Chisom, Audrey shopped these items when she was at Star Restaurant. It must be that this brand is available here in Nigeria.’ She lifted a shoulder.  ‘I’m not used to online shopping so I don’t know how they do it. I’d rather go to the mall and do the shopping.’                                                           

Andrew knitted his brow as his eyes caught the box, facing him. He curiously picked up the box. Then, he opened it. He couldn’t help but blush at the item in the box. It was a pair of black laced panties.                                                                                                                                   
Chioma was still admiring the dress when she subconsciously looked over and saw Andrew trying to pick up the panties from the box. Immediately, she blushed and reached her hand, snatching the box from him.                 

The moment I met you (Chapter 111)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu  

Michael didn’t speak.                                                                              

‘You don’t like the cake? I could have the maids make you any cake of your choice.’                                                                                                     

‘Just go away. I’m not in the mood for cakes.’ Then, he turned away, and moodily, Michael lay on his bed thinking of Chioma, and how he nearly kissed her today. He couldn’t help becoming restless. Perhaps, if he had lightly pecked her lips, he wouldn’t be feeling restless now. The thought of Chioma at a barbecue stall with her friends instead of with him made him sad. In fact, he was jealous that he wanted to treasure her and guard her without anyone getting close. For the first time in his life, he was selfish.                                                            

Meanwhile, Andrew and Chioma were already back home. They had a hearty dinner of jollof rice and fried eggs. Chioma cleared the dishes on the dining table and then placed the gifts Audrey gave to her on it.                                    

Open your gifts,’said Andrew curiously when he walked out of the bathroom with only a bath towel around his waist.                             

Louisa was at the living room knitting a pink sweater, and from time to time sipped her cup of steaming Achara tea, and occasionally glanced at the TV playing an Indian drama. She seemed not interested in the movie.                   

Chioma glanced at Andrew who was now drying his hair with a white towel from a street vendor, she smiled and said,’ Beautiful boxes,’ she breathed. Picking one of the boxes up, she held it beside her ear, and playfully shook it. Then, she eased off the lid gently.                                  

‘Just pull it right off.’   Andrew changed into his pyjamas lying on the sofa. Chioma had placed it there for him.                                                         

‘What if it’s a bomb?’  

The moment I met you (Chapter 110)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu     

‘I don’t have a wife even at my forty… but I hope this beautiful lady will accept me to be her beau?’ Stanley said to Segun while glancing at Chioma.                                                                                                     

‘Well, in that case you’re late beause she’s taken. Perhaps, you care for any one else?’ Segun glanced across the room and asked.                            Stanley’s gaze fell on Chisom and she quickly turned her face away. The mere sight of Stanley irritated her.                                                          

‘She’s also taken,’ Andrew said, feeding Chisom with chicken, indicating that Chisom was his woman, no one else’s.                             

Stanley understood the meaning of Andrew’s action. Then he beckoned on a waiter to bring glasses. He brought glasses and filled them with wine; Stanley filled Chioma’s glass in person.                              

‘Chioma, I will drink this glass of wine for having a good friend like you even though I feel sad that you’ve been taken.’                          

‘Okay, I will drink with you.’                                                                             

Without a fuss, Chioma clinked glasses with Stanley, then with the others and they all downed on their wine.                                                                   

Stanley ordered more dishes, and together the chatted while they ate.                                                                                                                       

On the other side, Michael had an icy-cold expression on his face. Robert who had been at the same barbecue stall with Chioma, unnoticed, had reported to Michael about seeing Chioma.                             

‘Michael, I made this chestnut cake myself. Please eat some.’ Patricia came in, carrying exquisite-looking cake.  She was wearing a pink jumpsuit with duster.         

 ‘Mum, I’m ‘not in the mood.’Michael refused coldly.                          

Patricia wondered what was wrong with her son. ‘Son, what is wrong with you?’    

The moment I met you (Chapter 109)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Fine. I received your gifts…I don’t deserve them.’                               

‘You do,’ Audrey said calmly. ‘Where are you?’                                              

‘I am at a barbecue stall with my brother and friends.’                          

‘Then, I won’t waste your time. Go home safe after you’re done,’Audrey said softly.                                                                                           

‘Thank you, ma’am.’                                                                                 

Hanging up the call, Chioma walked back to them, and sat next to Chisom. She saw that they have started digging in already.  Without saying a word, she lowered her head and began to eat her beef.                                                                                                                          

Suddenly, a man in an orange t-shirt and jeans stood up from his seat and walked over with a bottle of beer in his hand and a smile on his face. ‘Miss Chioma.’                                                                                       

Hearing his voice, Chioma didn’t speak; instead, she smiled up at the man. She recognised the man. He was the police officer that had dined at Star Restaurant a few days ago. Chisom politely nodded at him in greeting. The man looked to be in his forties with a young face, wearing a gold necklace around his neck.                                                                      

‘He is a police officer and a customer of Star Restaurant,’ Chioma said to Andrew and Daniel who looked curiously at her.                           

‘I am Stanley Alozie… a police officer working at Nigerian police force,’ he said, introducing himself as he sat on an empty chair.                    

Andrew forced a smile, extending his hand towards the man. Stanley politely shook hands with Andrew, and then he nodded at Daniel and Segun.                                                                                                        

‘Police officer, did you come with your woman or have you caught a prey?’ Segun asked jokingly and Stanley laughed.                                      

Chioma looked uncomfortable, hearing segun’s words.             

The moment I met you (Chapter 108)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Isn’t the CEO of Moon Corporation pursuing you?’ Daniel retorted jokingly.                                                                                                                

Hearing Daniel’s words, Chioma glanced at Chisom.                     

‘Please don’t blame Chisom. I was the one that told him about it.’ Afraid Chioma would blame Chisom, Andrew quickly explained.   

‘You’re a bladder mouth,’ Chioma said with a pout.                             

Andrew glanced at Chioma and laughed.                                         

‘Truly, the big boss of Moon Corporation likes Chioma. He even appeared today like magic giving her a bottle of water,’Chisom said. Honestly, I don’t know how he knew Chioma wanted water.’                                    

‘Maybe they’re sharing heart now,’ Segun who had been silent spoke up. ‘They’re a perfect match from heaven.’                                          

Chioma smiled bashfully while Chisom giggled.                                

Segun pulled in front of a barbecue stall on a bustling street. They five of them entered and sat by the window, for a breath of fresh air.                                                                                                                                                

‘You’re free to choose your favourite barbecue dishes. It’s on me,’ Daniel said.                                                                              

Chioma and chisom clapped their hands excitedly. Then, Chioma beckoned on the waiter.                                                                                  

‘Twenty beef skewers and a bottle of cold coke. Thank you.’           

‘Ten chicken feet and a bottle of pepsi,’ Chisom said.                     

The men ordered for chicken drumsticks and cold beer.            

Before Chioma began to eat, she went to the washroom to answer Audrey’s call.                                                                                                 


‘Chioma, how are you doing?’                          

The moment I met you (Chapter 107)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chioma stood there, watching as he left. Chisom quickly walked towards her, looking her from head to toe.                                                 

‘He’s the guy? The man you fell in love with the moment you met him?’            

Chioma glanced at her and nodded.                                                                

‘I’m blessed to be your friend,’ Chisom said as they walked inside. ‘He’s known to be aloof and haughty. I’m surprised you got his pampering. Who would have thought that an emperor like Michael would pursue a lowly woman like you?’ she was indeed pleased with Chioma. Instead of giving her the water, she drank it.                                                      

Chioma smiled and didn’t utter any word.                                                    

By evening after work, Chioma walked out after changing into her simple blue dress, and saw Segun’s taxi parked by the side of the road. She was hugging the exquisite-looking boxes gifted to her by Audrey to her chest as she went to the car.                   

Segun sat behind the steering wheel, Andrew sat in the passenger seat while Daniel sat at the back, eating strawberry.                          

‘Chioma…’Segun gestured at Chioma to come over.                              

Chioma walked towards the car with Chisom following behind.  With the help of Chisom, Chioma put the boxes in the boot, then, they both sat at the back with Daniel. Then, happily they greeted the men.                                                                                                                

The moment the car began racing on the road, Daniel handed Chioma and Chisom a bottle of Nutri milk, each.                                    

Chioma unscrewed the cap, and took a mouthful. ‘Daniel, I’m happy to see you. At least, we’re going to rip you off today.’       

The moment I met you (Chapter 106)

      By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu                  

Chisom, who had come to give Chioma a cup of water, paused in her tracks, watching the scene. She gazed at this man with an outstanding charisma, and god-like features. Chisom couldn’t find the right word to describe his excellence. He was more handsome in real life than in magazines or TV. She had only thought that such men as beautiful as Michael appeared only in dreams and fantasies or even romance drama series but didn’t know that she would see this man today. So she froze at the sight of him. Perhaps she was dreaming? Was it really Michael that she was seeing or someone else?                                                 

Chioma was from a lowly background, Chisom wished that her best friend wouldn’t encounter tragedies because of this man. She had seen so many love stories with bumpy roadsShe wished that Chioma wouldn’t cross such a road because it brought buckets of tears.    

‘Please… let me go.’                                                                                 

‘What about being my woman?’                                                             

‘Maybe next time we will talk properly about it. I still have work.’ Chioma brushed him off.                                                                                  

Michael took her hand again.                                                                

‘Please…’ Tears stole into her eyes as she pleaded.          

Michael wanted never to leave until she accepted him, but turning his head he saw that she was about to cry. If he refused to let her go, she might lose her job and maybe hate him for it. Then, he decided to let her go. Hesistating, he finally relented, and expressionelessly, released her hand.                                                                         

‘I give you one week to say    yes to me.’ Michael doesn’t seem to be joking. Then, he turned away elegantly and gracefully.                  

Sunday, February 7, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 105)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

At this moment, someone handed her a bottle of   Eva water. Without looking up, she took it and said, ‘Thank you, Chisom.’                       

After she uncapped the water and took two mouthfuls of water, she turned her head and found it was Michael.                                                    

‘Sir Michael…’Chioma was surprised to see him as well as happy.

Michael smiled. ‘Are you disappointed to see me?’ He was glad she knew his name.                   


‘You look both surprised and happy.’                                                         

Chioma took another gulp of water. ‘What I think or feel isn’t your business.’ She turned to leave but Michael’s elegant hand was quick to grab her. ‘I want to make money to support my family. So let me go.’ She struggled to brush her hand off but Micheal didn’t give in. He held her hand tightly. She took another gulp of water.

‘I won’t let you go until you become my wife.’

Hearing what he said, Chioma almost spewed out the water she just drunk. It doesn’t seem Michael was joking. He found Chioma interesting. She was not pretentious, and most importantly, she was the woman of his dreams.                                                                                          

 ‘Can I please go in? I have customers to tend to.’ She pleaded as she subconsciously licked her lips.                                                  

That small act of hers caught Michael’s attention. He couldn’t help but stare at her lips, imagining the softness of the sensation should their lips touch. Her lips were as cute as cherry, and he wanted to drink from the sweetness of it. His heartbeat began to speed up, and his mesmerising gaze was unable to leave her lips. He hadn’t kissed before. But with Chioma he wanted to experience the sweetness of kissing. This god-like man actually wanted to kiss this lowly girl? He nearly attempted to lean over for a kiss but quickly restrained himself.

The moment I met you (Chapter 104)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chioma smiled awkwardly, turning back to him shyly.                       

‘It’s okay if you don’t give me your heart. At least, we can still be friends.’                                                                                                                
‘I’m sorry, boss. I wish I could love you back as much as you love me.’ She met his gaze. ‘You’re a good person.’ She smiled at him. ‘You are not my beau but you will be my friend.’ She patted his shoulder gently like he was an old friend.                                                                  

Sure enough, Emeka happily smiled at the touch of Chioma, the smile he had on his face was like that of someone seeing snow for the first time. Then he turned away.                                                                                      

When Emeka left, Chioma breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time she silently mocked herself. She doesn’t have a beau and should have accepted Emeka who had affection for her and was true with his feelings. Instead of hoping that someday Michael will come to her.                                                                                                                               
Chioma decided to go outside a little, maybe to get courage to face her boss who was now at the counter doing some calculations with his calculator. She wanted to get water from the water dispenser. But it was close to where Emeka stood. She was thirsty and needed to drink water. What was she going to do?                                                            

She sent Chisom a Whatsapp message to get her water. Hearing the beep from her Whatsapp, Chisom who was carrying a tray of hot steaming noodles to a customer, picked up her phone from a table where she left it. Chisom saw the message, glancing around for Chioma.                                                                                                      
Chioma stood outside waiting for the water and didn’t receive any yet from Chisom. She felt that Chisom was busy, so didn’t bother.

The moment I met you (Chapter 103)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘What?’ Chioma looked up.                                                                     

‘I know you have suitors wishing to have you. I know that what I’m about to say now look stupid and silly…but,’ Emeka went on, his voice becoming small. ‘But it seemed to me that your coming here to work was destined for me to know you well. Now I have understood why you got a job here. I know I can’t pay you enough…I want to tell you that…’he paused, unable to speak on. He was mustering his courage to tell her how he felt about her.                                                 

‘What?’Chioma was puzzled.                                                            

‘Haven’t you guessed?’ said Emeka. ‘I have fallen in love with you, Chioma…’                                                                               

Emeka hadn’t known until this moment that he was going to utter the words, but as soon as he said them, they became true. He seemed shy after saying his feelings to her. But he was glad he did.                                                                                                    

Chioma was speechless, not knowing what to say to him. He was her boss, and should be careful not to anger him with words. ‘Sir…’                                                                                          

‘I know,’said Emeka. ‘But I simply can’t do anything about it. I know your heart belongs to another man even if you don’t say it. You’re so kind. And each day all I could think of is you. I wish it was me that you love…’Emeka stopped. ‘I just wished it was me.’                                                                               
Chioma was silent for a moment, turning her head away, she said, ‘Boss…’                                                                               

‘Don’t call me boss. It’s just the two of us here,’ Emeka smiled.

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...