Friday, January 22, 2021

The moment I met you (Chapter 97)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 ‘Don’t you like the News channel that I chose?’ Andrew was watching Nigerian Television Authority Network News.                                   

Chioma giggled. ‘I want to watch Coco.’ Coco happens to be an interesting 2017 American computer-animated fantasy film produced by Pixar animation studios and released by Walt Disney pictures. It was one of Chioma’s favourite cartoons.                                                                                                                                                    

‘We’re watching interesting news and you want to be accidentally transported to the land of the dead, then seek help from your deceased musician great-great-grandfather…you won’t see him there and he won’t help you return to the living.’                                                    

Chioma laughed at the words of Andrew. Andrew laughed too.                                                                                                                                

‘I’m not afraid because I know you will help me return to the land of the living,’ Chioma continued to laugh. She was grateful to have a mavellous brother as Andrew.  Then, she stood up, gave him a goodnight kiss, and went to the bedroom for the night rest, not bothering again to watch Coco. Andrew smiled, and after a few moments, he turned off the TV and went to his room.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

The moment I met you (Chapter 96)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 Felix smiled, then strode upstairs.                                                

Meanwhile, Chioma left the bedroom she shared with her mother and went to the kitchen and took out a can of chilled cola.    She was already in her pink sleeping dress.                  


Andrew was about getting up from the armchair where he sat watching TV in the living room when he heard the sound of Chioma’s footsteps. He glanced over at Chioma. ‘Bring me one.’                                    

Chioma nodded, opened the fridge and took out another can of cola. ‘Here, you go,’ she said, handing the drink to him. Instead of going back to the room, she sat down on an armchair and began watching the TV with Andrew.               

‘Where’s this smell from?’ Andrew glanced at Chioma and asked.                                                                                                                                    
‘What kind of smell?’ Chioma looked curiously at him.                            

‘Pleasant perfume smell…’                                                                      

Chioma smiled. ‘Ooh, that came from Audrey… she gifted me CR7 produced by Cristiano Ronaldo.’                                                         

‘Did she gift you a set?’                                                                          

‘Just the perfume,’ Chioma sipped her cola and replied.                           

Finishing his drink, Andrew tossed the empty can in the bin. ‘What does the girl want from you?’                                                                      

‘What could she probably want from a low-status girl like me?’ Chioma said with a shrug. ‘She isn’t a bad girl.’                                 

‘I didn’t say she is bad. I just want you to be careful, that’s all.’                                                                                                                                 

Chioma nodded. Picking up the remote from the centre table, she began to flip through the channels.           

The moment I met you (Chapter 95)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘I have always rooted for you,’ Felix smiled, the smile reaching his beautiful almond-shaped eyes. ‘I will join you at Moon Corporation, as your vice.’                                                                                                                 

Michael smiled at his cousin. They were cousins and best friends. They share almost the same god-like features; very handsome, tall, had voices that were extremely mesmerising, and tone that appealed to both boys and girls. People’s heart could be stirred just by listening to their voices alone. They were like descendants from the sun.                                                                                                               


After enjoying their meals, they left the restaurant for their luxurious homes.

‘Celine, you emptied an entire store?’ Felix asked as he walked into the living room.                                                                                          

Celine pouted her mouth.’ Audrey did, not me… a delivery boy from the store she bought the dresses just left a few minutes ago. I just had someone deliver roasted chicken, banana milk and pizza.’ She was looking through the dresses for the ones to take for herself.             

‘What’s wrong if I buy the whole store?’ Audrey walked over, smiling slightly. She seemed to have woken up from a nap.                                 

Felix cast a glance at Audrey and said, ‘Nothing is wrong with emptying a story but remember to give charity.’                                                       

Celine left them and walked towards the dining for her roasted chicken, banana milk and pizza.                                                                                 

Audrey chuckled, understanding what he meant. The dresses were cute, and mostly in pinks, blues and whites. Then, she pointed at three boxes. ‘Those ones are for her. I’m sure she will like them.’                    

The moment I met you (Chapter 94)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘I found one.’                                                                                             

Felix studied him with doubt. ‘Really? You’ve had so many girls lining up to have you yet they didn’t and would never succeed because you have decided to remain the longest virgin on earth.’ He teased Michael.                                                                                                            

  ‘I said I have found the one.’ Michael smiled sweetly at the thought of Chioma Chima.                                                                                              

‘You know that if words got out that you’re still a virgin, you would lose your dignity as a man. Was that why you’re telling me this?’ Felix still doubted. ‘You don’t want me to tell paparazzi that you haven’t had your first kiss?’                                                                                                         

  Michael glared at him. ‘Shut up. You want me to beg you to keep it as a secret? If you don’t believe me so be it.’                                                     

Felix chuckled, and then asked, ‘Is she beautiful?’                                             

‘Very beautiful,’ replied Michael with a smile. ‘What about you?’                                                                                                                               

‘I found a charming girl today. It was all Audrey’s doing.’ Felix sighed slightly. 

‘I hope something good comes out of it.’                                          

Michael nodded.                                                                                  

‘Where is your girl from?’ Felix looked at Michael and asked.                          

‘Imo State.’ Michael liked the way Felix said your girl. He was pleased with it because it made him feel that Chioma was his and nobody’s. ‘Don’t you want to join me in the company? My father has retired from the company. Or maybe you want to follow in your father’s footsteps and become a politician?’ Michael said to Felix.            

‘My father is the senate president of this country, not me. I am going to choose my own path…’                                                                                 

‘So, you’re joining me at the company?’         

The moment I met you (Chapter 93)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 Celine nodded with a charming smile. ‘I will try them first to find that they fit before purchasing them. Or maybe I will call you instead…’                                                                                                                                             

Audrey nodded, then walked into her princess- like lavish decorated bedroom and sat down on the bed. Gently, she took off her shoes, then lay down to rest.                                                                                  

Soon, Felix’s car stopped in front of a Korean barbecue restaurant. He headed upstairs to the private room Michael had booked.                                                                                                                                    
‘How often do you eat here?’ Felix asked, glancing around, as he settled down.                                                                                                   

‘I wouldn’t know, I have never been here. Robert picked the place randomly. Besides, I don’t want to go to places I might bump into Jessica.’ Michael was wearing a pure white Versace dress shirt, looking graceful and very handsome, as always.                                                                          

Felix chuckled. ‘That girl seems to be a household pest. Maybe she drinks too much liquor.’ He paused, and said after a while. ‘It will be difficult for her to let you go… I remember as children whenever her parents brought her to your house, she will always tug onto your shirt…but you never liked it.’                                                                   

‘I have never liked her.’ Michael said with a frown.                           

Michael had already ordered barbecue dishes knowing Felix’s taste; he didn’t bother to wait for him to arrive.                                                    

‘How is the company?’ Felix asked as they began to eat.                        

‘Everything’s good.’                                                                                  

‘Don’t you want to find yourself a woman?’             

The moment I met you (Chapter 92)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘I know,’ said Audrey with a nod.                                                            

‘The thing is simple…’Felix smiled with his eyes. ‘From now on…well, you have to tell me more about the girl. I will love to pursue her myself.’                                                                                                                 

Audrey smiled. ‘I will help you in the best way I can.’                         

‘Okay.’ Felix pinched her nose lovingly. ‘You are almost eighteen which makes you an adult. Stop acting coy.’                                          

Audrey pouted. ‘What’s wrong with acting coy with you? You’re my big brother.’                                                                                                

Felix’s phone began to ring. He held it up to see who was calling but hung up on the person without a word.                                       

Audrey looked at him curiously. ‘Who was that?’                             

‘Jessica,’ Felix said. ‘She wants me to talk to Michael for her. You know I can’t do that. If Michael doesn’t like you, he doesn’t like.’                     

The phone started to ring again. He looked at the screen. It was Michael calling this time.                                                                                                  

‘Is Jessica still calling?’ 

‘Michael is the one calling.’ He lifted Audrey’s little hand and gave it a peck, and then he pushed his laptop away, and stood up. ‘I’m going to grab a bite with Michael.’ With that he grabbed his jacket and left.                                                                                                                                

Audrey headed upstairs, bumping into Celine by the stairs. Celine was wearing denim shorts, a pink tank top and a pair of non slip shoes. She was happily eating her box of ice cream sandwich.                    

‘Audrey,’ Celine greeted between bites.                                      

Audrey smiled up at Celine. ‘I have shopped for a bunch of clothes. Should the store send their dedicated person over to bring them, you know what to do?’             

The moment I met you (Chapter 91)

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 ‘Are you mad?’                                                                                        

‘How will I be mad at a genius who graduated from Diamond secondary school and a 300 level student of a reputable private university? Why should I be mad knowing that my beautiful sister is out there hunting for a suitable girl for her elder brother?’                                          

‘You’re not mocking me?’                                                                        

‘Of course not.’ Felix raised an eyebrow. ‘Who is she really?’            

Audrey pouted her mouth. ‘Maybe this isn’t the right time for me to talk about her. But she’s a good girl.’                                                

Felix stared at her for a while and suddenly said, ‘Why don’t I invite her over so I will get to know her better. I will tell mum and dad that she is the woman you want for me.’ He teased her.                                   

‘No, don’t do that,’ Audrey cried pitifully. She walked over to Felix. ‘I will look stupid if you do that.’ Then, she acted coy, as she tugged at his sleeve and placed her head on it. ‘Please, big brother, don’t bring her over yet… I truly like her but I’m not ready for our parent’s scolding. Gosh! It will be too embarrassing to scold me in front of that girl.’                                                                                                                 

Grinning broadly, Felix said with his lips curved up, ‘You want me not to bring the girl home just yet?’                                                                  

Audrey nodded.                                                                                        

Holding his chin up high like a proud young master, he said, ‘It’s not that I can’t, but you have to listen to what I have to say. If you do that my beautiful sister, then I will try not to bring her home and tell our parents what you did. Do you agree?’                                                                 

‘I agree,’ Audrey said, lifting her hand up in obedience.                   

‘As your big brother, you know I won’t push you to a tight corner or force you to do anything illegal…’      

The moment I met you (Chapter 90)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘I believe you,’ Felix said. Audrey turned to leave but paused when she heard what Felix said. ‘I have seen enough of your idiosyncrasies to know when you’re lying. So you can’t fool me…’                     

‘You seem to be implying I met harm?’                                                           

Felix shook his head. ‘You’re wrong.’ With folded arms and slanted lips, Felix stared at her. ‘So tell me what your reasons were?’                     

Audrey swallowed her saliva nervously as she thought of what to say to him. She knew Felix had seen through her and so didn’t dare to lie. She had done it for his good but didn’t know if he would get mad. She debated whether to explain everything and ask him not to get mad.                                                                                                                                               

Before she could speak, Felix said, ‘You did this to pair me up with that girl, right?’                                                                                                        

Audrey turned around, staring at him. She was indeed feeling stupid.                                                                                                                        

In fact, Felix had a hunch about this from the moment when he saw Chioma at the school. He knew Audrey hadn’t asked a stranger to collect Celine from school before. So, for her to let a complete stranger aside from their driver only meant, she was planning something.                       

‘How did you find out?’ Audrey asked after a moment of silence.                                                                                                                                 

‘I saw through you the moment you rang me to pick Celine from school, and also called a total stranger to do the same. You had flaws in your acting.’                                                                                                    

‘I never said I was going to be an actress.’                                            

‘You won’t even get supporting lead role, ‘Felix’s lips curved up.

The moment I met you (Chapter 89)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu   

Putting on an air of nouveau riche, Audrey stepped out of the car, and said haughtily to a servant, ‘Here you go. Bring my bag to my room.’         

‘Okay, ma’am,’ the servant replied with a nod. She didn’t get mad instead she smiled. She knew that Audrey was a good girl and wasn’t the kind to boss people around or mistreat them.                                            

When Audrey walked towards the door, a guard opened the door for her. ‘Welcome ma’am.’ He bowed in greeting.                                            

‘Are Felix and Celine back?’ Audrey asked with warmth in her smile.                                                                                                                               

‘Yes, ma’am.’                                                                                           

‘Thanks.’ Audrey’s attitude was not only polished but also graceful. She was beautiful in every way.                                                                           

As she stepped into the luxurious decorated living room, Audrey saw Felix sitting on the sofa with a laptop on his thighs. His eyes stared at the screen as he gracefully typed with his long fingers.                      

‘Big brother, Felix,’ Audrey smile coquettishly as she walked over to his side, hooking her arms around his neck.                                                      

‘When you asked that girl to collect Celine from school, were you really busy or you did it on purpose for a reason? Tell me a reasonable lie and I will accept it.’ Felix glanced up at her.                                     


‘Well? Felix repeated.                                                                               

‘I had to ask her to help me because I was really busy. I was shopping clothes online with my Ipad.’ Audrey said quickly. She stared at Felix with her big and innocent looking eyes. ‘You must believe me.’     

The moment I met you (Chapter 88)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

 ‘I’m glad you’re back.’                                                                              

Chioma nodded with a smile but didn’t speak. Her hair had fallen around her young face and she looked older than twenty-six years.                            

Audrey patted her shoulder. ‘I didn’t mean harm to you.’                  

‘I know,’ Chioma glanced at her and said.                                          

Chisom who was standing behind them didn’t interrupt them. Instead, she listened quietly to their conversation.                                     

‘I’ll go ahead,’ Audrey said, hugged Chioma, then started towards the door. Pushing the door open, she elegantly walked towards her sapphire-blue Bugatti Veyron parked by the side of the road, she opened the door and stepped in. fastening her seatbelt, her car shot out like arrow leaving its bowstring.                                                             

As Audrey’s dazzling sports car raced along the road, she listened to Shania Twain’s from this moment on. Amused at the thought of Chisom’s words, Audrey’s lips curled up, and she smiled. She felt that someday, Chisom will truly like her and not misunderstand her.                              

After about fifteen minutes or more, the car stopped in front of a luxurious white house in the district of Asokoro. Asokoro district happens to be haven for top government officials, and recognised as Abuja’s most exclusive district.  The district reserved only for the crème de la crème of the society, was undoubtedly one o the most secured places to live. The presence of Aso Rock, the presidential villa, made the district outstanding.                                                                                                        

It was said that a plot of land in this district could run into billions of naira. There were cheaper plots but they were one hundred million naira, a plot. It only meant that only those that burn cash lived in this area.                                    

The moment I met you (Chapter 87)

   By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Chisom frowned and said, ‘Are you talking about Chioma whom you treated like trash?’                                                                                                

Audrey rolled her eyes at Chisom. ‘You can say all you want. But my intentions are pure. I don’t care what you think about me…’ Although Audrey’s voice was very soft, her tone seemed hurt.                                     

‘I don’t care what you reasons were. I only care about my friend.’                

Hearing these words, Audrey didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Appearing to suddenly remember something, she reached for her handbag and retrieved a pink silk scarf from it. Handing it to Chisom, she said, ‘Here, take this scarf I bought it yesterday and forgot to give it to you. If you hadn’t bickered with me I might not have remembered.’         

Chisom was reluctant to take the beautiful scarf, but Audrey pushed it into her hands, and then stood up. Stifling a yawn, while making a tired stretching pose, she said to Chisom, ‘Well, since you don’t want me here, I will go ahead and speak to Chioma on the phone when I return home.’                                                                                                   

Just as Audrey turned to leave, she saw Chioma walking into the restaurant. Audrey’s face was filled with smile as she went over to Chioma.

The moment I met you (Chapter 86)

  By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Why not? This is my territory. It’s from this restaurant that I take care of myself.’ Chisom paused, and then her gaze fell on the high-end long beige comfortable quilted jacket Audrey was wearing, the scarf around her neck, and then to her dark hair, cascading all the way down her back. Chisom admired the long flowing hair, and thought that if Audrey were her friend, she would stroke the hair. She didn’t hate Audrey but was only afraid that Chioma might get hurt if she became friends with Audrey.                                                                                                      

Audrey looked up at Chisom. ‘Why did you pause in the middle of your speech? She smirked. ‘Oh, wait, were you admiring me? Go ahead. I won’t spank your butt for doing so. When I was in Diamond secondary school, lots of boys had pursued me. Every morning when I get to school, my study desk would be full of love letters. Some girls, who had a crush on a guy that has a crush on me, would send knives- threatening letters…’                                                                                              

‘Girls as beautiful as you rely on their beauty to juggle multiple men at the same time,’ Chisom snapped.                                                          

‘Well, you’re wrong because I threw away each letter without bothering to open any of them. I am from a rich and powerful home. So your thought of me is very wrong.’                                                                

Chisom felt touched by what Audrey said, but didn’t still show it. ‘If my friend had come from a high class family like yours, I’m sure you wouldn’t have asked her to run such a stupid errand for you.  You were born rich and didn’t know what it meant to be poor… you were born so beautiful that you became the subject of people’s attention wherever you go, unworried about what to eat, what to wear, places to go, cars to drive, you have all you want…’                                           

‘Do you hate rich people? Anyway poor folks out of frustration will chant how much the hate rich people. But I don’t hate poor people. I don’t care whether I marry rich or poor. I hate to play mind games. I hate to do things to please people. I prefer to stay out of competition… it’s not my fault that my innocent beauty, with sparkling beautiful eyes, captures the hearts of many people.’ She frowned at Chisom. ‘I am angry that you misunderstood my good intentions towards your friend.’ She paused and said after a moment of silence. ‘Chisom, there are some things that are better left unanswered… we’ll have to let destiny answer them for us.’     

Letters To My Love

Chapter Four: A Casual but Exciting Proposal One sunny afternoon, as Night headed out to interview someone for her blog, she received a vi...